chapter 15

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Jin:take y/n to jimins room


Jin:stop shouting I'm older, now take her!


Jimin picks y/n in a bridal style and take her to his room.

He puts her on the bed.
Before he goes to his couch and look at her.

Jimin pov:I looked at her face, it so pale and beautiful, her hands are cold but soft, I think I'm falling for her.

End of pov

He stared at her and kissed her forehead then went to the couch to sleep.

Next morning

Y/n pov:uhh my head hurt, (looks at where she is) wait where am I, who's room is this.

End of pov

Y/n gets up from the bed and walk downstairs, she was curious where she is but then she heard a voice.

??:you awake you pabo


Bff/n:you went clubbing, and got drunk so I took you home because I couldn't take you to my apartment, but you put a weird security so I couldn't get in so I called Jin and took you to bts house, when we entered the house you almost spilled your secrets (whisper to her). But thank God I covered you, and then we took you to jimins room.

Y/n:about the secrets can you forgive-

Bff/n:well I'll think about it, you are my best friend.

She smiled at y/n and so does she.

Y/n:wait! Isn't it Tuesday, shouldn't we be at school.

Jin: correct, but we have studied too much so we are going to a one week holiday to.......Our private island.

Y/n: what!

Suga:aren't you happy.

Y/n:no I'm happy, its just that its  so unexpecting.

RM:well you and bff/n need to go and pack your laugage we will collect you at 2pm. Okay?

Bff/n:fine by me.

Bff/n and I leave the boys house and go to are's.

Y/n pov:when I finished packing I was waiting for them to arrive, then I looked at my necklace my dad gave me, and then I look at the letter.

Y/n:I don't have much time left.

End of pov

Y/n got a text from bff/n

Bff/n:hey pabo we arrived come outside.


Y/n puts her phone in her pocket, and head outside.

Y/n:hey guys

Bts:hey y/n

They  got to the airport and the members book a private jet, during the journey y/n kept looking at her necklace, and jimin sometime glanced at her.

They reached the island and they reached the private villa, while y/n was staring outside on her balcony she looked at the place where it look like a forest, but then she saw something move and vanish.

Y/n tell everyone she's going for a walk, and she leaves the villa but really she wanted to see what that thing was.

When she got there she felt a weird energy, the suddenly someone grabs her wrist.


??:no answer you coming with me

Y/n:where are we going?

??:to the other world to meet your.........FATHER.

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