chapter 25

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Y/n pov:I felt like my heart stop beating for a whole minute, seeing her lifeless body on the floor. I saw all the boys panicking and running to her, Jin is calling the ambulance, taehyung is crying and holding her, everyone is so worried. And  my body paralyzed standing there, I get distracted when I hear jimins voice.

Jimin:y/n.......Go to her

I was about to step forward when I heard a voice in my head.

??:don't go to her, leave from there and go home, you don't want to cause trouble.

I knew exactly whose voice that was, I was so stupid and listened to him and left, leaving all the boys in shock especially jimin.

End pov

AT The Hospital

Bff/n has been in the operation room for a hour, everyone was calming taehyung and finally the doctor came.

Taehyung: doctor how is she(worried voice)

Doctor:she's okay, the operation was a success, let the nurse take her to the room and you can see her.

The boys went in and saw bff/n

Taehyung held her hand, while her eyes were slowly opening.


Taehyung:are you okay, does it hurt.

Bff/n:I didn't do it, she used her power


Bff/n:she used her invisible rope to tie me up, so sehun could kiss me.

Jimin:why would she do something like that.

Bff/n:I don't know why.

Jungkook:but what she did was wrong.

Everyone was mad and disgusted about what y/n did.

So the boys decided to go to her house, they asked bff/n for her address.

Y/n pov:I was standing there on my balcony,
Processing everything that happened, i got distracted when i saw a big black car, and saw the.....boys

I quickly went to the door and stepped outside, and saw them all with mad faces.

Y/n:what are you guys doing her.

Jimin:do you have anything to say!

(Angry voice)





Jungkook:I'm very disappointed noona, I never expected this from you.

Jimin:y/n,even though I love you, you did something wrong, and it was your best friend, someone who you treat like a sister.

Jimin:I can't love someone who does something so disgusting to their best friend.

Y/n:do you not love me anymore

He stays quiet, but y/n got the answer by his quietness

Jin:we don't like hanging out with people, who treat people like this. So it's better if we don't be friends anymore.

RM:let's go guys, we said what we wanted to say.

Jimin: goodbye Kim y/n

They leave

Y/n falls on her knees, she has messed up.

She goes back into her house.

Time skips and it's morning

It was a Saturday, so y/n stayed home all day, until the sun was setting, she heard a door bell.

It was sehun.

Y/n:sehun what are you doing here.

Sehun:its time for your first mission.

Y/n:which is?

Sehun:you need to.......,.................KILL SOMEONE

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