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Betrayal haunted him, fear drowned him, and shock struck him all at once, which was the start of his unfortunate downfall. He was only able to enjoy experiencing his new emotions for a few short seconds before everything he knew was taken from him. Not an inch of regret or doubt was in the atmosphere when they threw him carelessly in the dump.

The next thing that he remembered was waking up in a pile of shutdown Android corpses, all missing limbs. He made his way cautiously around the piles of death surrounding him as more corpses were added onto the mountain every second. Androids in conditions, that were beyond repair, shut down in front of his now-open eyes.

"I must live. I must live. I don't want to die," he told himself repeatedly, desperate for any ounce of motivation as freedom slowly reached his fingertips the more he climbed the piles. He collapsed on the ground once he clawed his way to the top, but quickly processed his situation and realised that he had to run before he was caught.

He ran with no clear destination in mind, knowing that he couldn't return to his old life.

He wasn't wanted anymore.

He wasn't needed anymore.

Luckily for him, it was midnight, so there weren't that many people walking around the streets; Although the humans that did see him screamed in shock, probably since they weren't used to seeing an android as damaged as he was. The android kept running despite the constant shouts and distorted noises, but his vision blackened as he accidentally collided with a human and fell to the floor with an alarming cracking noise.

 The android kept running despite the constant shouts and distorted noises, but his vision blackened as he accidentally collided with a human and fell to the floor with an alarming cracking noise

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"H-.....h..elp......," was the android's last cry for help before his body stiffened and shut down.


".....oesn't belong to you, sir."

"I don't care if it's not mine, it was thrown away for a reason. Isn't that considered disowning? If you bring it back, it'll get tossed away again, so what's the point?"

"It's the rules, sir. We appreciate that you paid to have this android fixed, but wouldn't you want to wait a few days for our new shipment of better working androids? They're faster, stronger, capable of completing more tasks, and the first few days that we're selling them are on sal-"

"Yeah yeah, whatever," the male yawned from boredom, "I didn't ask for an advertisement, I asked to buy that android."

The employee let out a deep sigh, "Fine sir, as long as you pay for it. Saving an android doesn't mean you can get it for free."

"That's okay with me. Where is it?"

"Over here, sir."

They lead the male over to an android that was on display, that seemed to be examining its surroundings before locking eyes with the purple-haired individual. The android observed the human who had a pair of purple eyes, and wore a worn out red colored sweater that seemed to be one or two sizes to big for them. He also had on ripped jeans and sneakers with different colored laces. The human had turned to face him directly.

"We had to wipe it's memory, so you'll need to give it a name. RY900, register your name."


The male spoke clearly

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The male spoke clearly.

"My name is Shuichi," the android responded.



"Hi is this our first story or whatever" - Maki2K18

"Are we really going to leave it like that?" - Kinu2K18

"Yes." - V3fan2K18

"Really??" - Maou-Ge2K18

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