Chapter 5

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Kokichi woke up and groaned, wishing he could fall back asleep. He lifted his hand up to feel his own purple hair and realized that it was kind of greasy. He took a loud, tired sigh then hauled himself up from his bed. The human gathered a plain, blue t-shirt and baggy sweatpants to wear after he took a shower. He walked out into the hallway and went to enter the bathroom, but something down the hall into the living room caught his eye.

The android was in 'rest' mode due to his L.E.D remaining blue but fading every few seconds but Kokichi's attention was mainly filled by what the android was wearing. It was one of his own beloved sweaters which he kept in his bedroom.

"What the hell-"

Instead of throwing an empty panta can like last time, Ouma simply risked getting pinned again by approaching the android, "Wake up!"

Shuichi's eyes flickered open as he processed his surroundings. To Kokichi's surprise, he didn't seem to attack this time, "Oh thank fuck. I'm glad I don't have to deal with that shit every morning."

"Kokichi? You seem irritated this morning. What's wrong?"

Ouma tugged at the cloth of the sweater. Shuichi automatically picked up on what they meant, "Oh, my apologies. I was originally planning on gaining your permission, but you were fast asleep, and I didn't want to disturb you."

"Why did you take the sweater in the first place?"

"....I can find something else if that's what you would prefer me to do," Shuichi asked, starting to remove the sweater.

"Wait, no!...I don't mind. It fits you anyway so..."

Shuichi nodded and tilted his head slightly, "Why do you buy sweaters that are approximately two sizes bigger for you? I've scanned your wardrobe and they all seem to be larger than your size."

Ouma went into the kitchen and grabbed a can of panta to drink, "Nishishi! Cuz it's comfortable, duh. Don't you have things that give you comfort?"

"Comfort? I don't understand what you mean by that."

Kokichi raised an eyebrow at this, taken aback a little as he thought android knew basically everything. "It's makes you feel relaxed."

"Is it similar to the emotion humans call 'love'?"

"....kind of? Love's....a bit more complicated than that," the short male took a long sip of his grape soda. "Love is an emotion that a human feels for another human. It can motivate a person, change a person, make them feel good, make them feel pain. It's pretty fucked up in my opinion.....but, I can't say that it's an entirely bad thing....."

"Well, I'll make it my mission to one day understand it." Shuichi said with a smile, "Have you ever felt that emotion before?"

Ouma snickered, "Definitely", and took another sip from his panta.

"....then...maybe you can help me?"

"..." Kokichi spit out his soda and coughed, "Wait w-what?? I m-mean....I guess's just that-..."

Shuichi detected that the short male's face was slightly heating up, "Oh, sorry. Did I make you feel embarrassed, Kokichi?"

"N-no! I.. I just uhh.....w-wouldn't that..make you uncomfortable or something??"

"Of course not. I am not programmed to express real emotions, but I am programmed to learn new information. Teaching me 'love' would definitely help me."

"...." Kokichi chuckled at them and the whole situation that he was in, "You're weird, Shuichi."

[ KOKICHI ] - [ (^) relationship increase (^) ]

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