Chapter 6

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Hey, one of the authors here. Sorry, the updates have been extremely slow but both of our lives are absolutely hectic at the moment with exams. I have over 20 exams in around a months time and I know sugarc00kie is really busy as well. Anywho, enough excuses, ENJOY IT!



Shuichi was waiting patiently outside, hoping that Ouma's parents stuck to their word. Eventually, and to the android's relief, Kokichi walked out of the building wearing a blank expression. He saw the other as soon as he walked out, "Rantaro?"

"Hey," Shuichi greeted him, but his cover was instantly blown.

" sweater?"

" is," Shuichi spoke in his normal voice.

[ KOKICHI ] - [ (V) relationship - (V) ]

"Oh shit! That's so creepy! What the fuck!?....geez, how many weird features do you have??" Kokichi asked, visibly disturbed, "How the hell...??"

Shuichi looked around and noticed that there were humans around, and shook his head, "I'll show you once we get back to your residence where it's the safest."

"Safest? What do you me- nevermind, I've learnt not to ask," he joked.


"Show me already!" Kokichi complained with stars in his eyes. His mood had shifted from being creeped out to intrigued.

Shuichi pulled the hoodie off of his head and raised two fingers up to his L.E.D, closing his eyes and focusing on his original appearance. Within seconds, a wave of electronic looking light strode down his face, changing his hair colour from green back to black as the light transitioned down. Then, every part of him was back to normal. Shuichi even shifted his hair to be back to its original placement.


Shuichi opened his eyes, "Is that all you wanted to see?"

"No way! I wanna see more!~ does this mean you can....look like me??"

"...well, besides the height difference, I cou-"

"Nishishi~ Hey!! Are you calling me short?!" Kokichi playfully shoved the android.

Shuichi had learnt to adapt to Kokichi's unique personality, so he decided to try a more comedic response, 'I'm simply suggesting that since I'm an adult model, if I wanted to copy you exactly, I would have to be a child model. The height and personality would be more.. suited to you."

Kokichi seemed speechless at first, not expecting a response like that. However, he went along with it and let out a chuckle, "Sh-shut up, smartass!!~"

"...shortass," Shuichi shot back, but didn't have any idea why this was his automatic response. This wasn't in his programming.

[ KOKICHI ] - [ (^) relationship + (^) ]

The other chuckled at this, "...Y'know, for an android, you're pretty damn human sometimes."

"Well, that's to be expected, since it was CyberLife's inten-"

"-aaaand I take that back," Ouma rolled his eyes and crossed his arms, "Wait, I never asked, why were you standing outside the police station? You didn't even go in."

Shuichi tilted his head, "I was waiting for you, of course."

"...But like, I could have been jailed. How did you just expect me to get out?"

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