Chapter 3

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[ KOKICHI ] - [ WARM ]

Kokichi approached the 'resting' android with caution. He slowly walked his way towards it, careful not to make any sudden movements. Learning his lesson from last time. He didn't want to get suddenly attacked again. Kokichi took a deep breath to mentally and physically prepare himself then sprung forward and tapped Shuichi on the shoulder.

The smaller boy lunged backwards, expecting Shuichi to attack him again. But nothing like that happened. As he walked closer, he realised that he hadn't even 'woken' it up.

"Oh for fucks sake.."

Kokichi went over to grab an empty panta can, but realized that Shuichi had already cleaned up his mess from last night. He sighed and took a can from the fridge, drained it contents, and chucked it at the android.

"Show yourself!" Shuichi shouted as his eyes snapped open, and his head violently turned side to side to examine his surroundings. Although his attitude and tone quickly snapped back to his regular self, and he clearly saw the human in the kitchen giving him a weird look.

"....O-oh, sorry. Did I alarm you again, Kokichi?"

"Yeah...why do you keep doing that? We aren't in an action movie, calm down."

Shuichi stood up, dusted himself down then walked up to the other male. "Do you have any tasks you want me to complete?" Kokichi put a finger to his chin to think before replying with an excited expression, "Yeah! You're gonna be a waiter."

"A waiter? At a bakery? That wouldn't be very efficient." Shuichi questioned, tilting his head to the side, trying to show the emotion, 'confusion'.

"Well uhh, I don't know how to word it. You know what I mean..." Kokichi huffed, crossing his arms.

"No, not at all. A waiter and a cashier do two completely different tasks. Can you define what you want me to do exactly?"

Kokichi took a moment to think, "Uhh well...some people place orders and come to collect them later so, you can be in charge of delivering the orders to them? And you can deal with the payment stuff."


[ . . . ]


[ • deal with customer payments ]

[ • customer deliveries ]

Shuichi nodded in response to let the other know that they understood their requests. "Is there anything else you want me to do?"

The smaller boy shook his head, "Nah, that'll be fine. We should get going anyway, store opens at 9 and it's.." Kokichi looked around until his eyes fixed on a clock in the corner of the room. His eyes widened. "Oh shit!"

Shuichi looked at the clock. It clearly read '8:24' he couldn't tell why the human was concerned with the time, he knew, by scanning the humans daily route, that it only took him exactly 12 minutes to get to the bakery. "Why are you worrying?"

He grabbed the android's arm and pulled him towards the door, "I won't have time to make something fresh!"

Shuichi didn't know how to respond to that comment so he simply followed Kokichi running down the apartment hallway helplessly failing his arms around. "Shit shit shit!," Ouma halted in his tracks and looked over to Shuichi behind him, "Don't you like, have a jetpack feature or something?"

"No, that would be far too dangerous for CyberLife to incl-."

"I was kidding!"


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