chapter 15

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Content warning: Violence


Kokichi laid his eyes on the building. He tried his best to restrain himself from thinking  of the worst possible scenarios, but his mind wandered there anyway. 'What if they can't find him?' 'What if he's been hurt?' 'What if he's been reset?!' 'What if he's been destroyed?'

He opened one of the clear glass doors and stepped inside of the large building. He looked around at all the countless businessmen and women dressed in suits and immediately felt out of place.

He was dressed in a plain white, over-sized sweater, black shorts which were hidden by his sweater and thigh-high black socks with the addition of his normal checkered scarf tied around his neck.

He walked up to the desk and was greeted by a beautiful, female android. "Hello Kokichi Ouma, how may CyberLife be of assistance?"

The human took a few moments to remember that androids were able to scan faces and learn identities within seconds but he still found it creepy.

"I.. want to locate my android.."

The android nodded then spoke again. "Please state your android's model number."

Kokichi froze. "I.. uhh.. don't know it."

"Then I am unable to assist you. Please move aside." The android said emotionlessly, looking at him with a blank expression. Kokichi started to panic, "H-His name is S-Shuichi and.. h-he has dark navy hair a-and one of those light things.."

"I am unable to assist you with just that information, please move aside Sir."

Kokichi slammed his hands down on the desk with a sudden wave of frustration, "P-please! I-I.."

"Sir, if you do not step away, I will have security escort you away from the premises." As the female android spoke, Kokichi could clearly see that her L.E.D had turned yellow, which probably meant that security had already been ordered.

"Fine, fine, I'll leave. Thanks for nothing."

"You are most welcome." Kokichi sighed at the android's lack of awareness about sarcasm; Shuichi was exactly like that when they had first met.

The smaller human let out an annoyed moan before starting to make his way to the exit. He didn't want to leave but unless he physically hunted Shuichi down, he couldn't do anything without his model number.

"Ouma? Is that you?"

Kokichi whipped his head around to look at the individual who had called out his name, "Tsumugi?? What the hell are you doing here??"

"Oh, well, I work here now ever since they fired me from the police force," she gave him an innocent smile.

Kokichi's eyes narrowed, not buying her lies for a second, "Why did they fire you?"

"Property damage."

Ouma rolled his eyes, "Whatever, can you fuck off, please? We're not friends after you commanded a mob to try and break my android!!"

"...speaking of your android," she stated, completely brushing of the topic, "Is that why you came here? To find him?"

"How did you know that?? Do you have him?!" The purple-haired male shouted in a demanding tone, not caring if it caused some attention from the others that were walking around.

"Follow me, I'll lead you to it."

Shirogane lead him all the way towards the elevator and pressed on the lowest number on the keypad. She inputted her voice once the elevator asked for it.

Going Against Programming - Oumasai [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now