Chapter 10

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Shuichi walked down the sidewalk of the city and tried to clear his head. He tried to focus on tasks, scanning something, anything at all. His head was down as he stared at his shoes, counting every panel of the sidewalk he stepped on; not even his body language was normal. He blocked out sounds, his vision, his scannings, and kept walking.

He didn't have any reason as to what he was doing, nor did he have any direction.

'He thinks I'm a threat.....he think that I want to hurt him.....' he thought to himself.

' protect him... but I.. never.. would.. I'm.. p-programmed to..'

Shuichi was confused at his own mind, and realized that the temperature of his body was slowly rising in heat the more he thought about the short male, 'Is this normal...?'

The android's sound and sight kicked back in as he bumped into a human. The tone of his voice was spiteful.

"Hey guys, look!! It's one of those job-stealing machines!!"

Shuichi now realized that there was a group of people in front of him that appeared to be protesters who were holding signs and banners.




The android took a step back, "My apologies for making you upset. I'll be on my w-"

He was cut off as he was punched to the ground. More punches and hits followed, a few kicks to the chest and stomach were added.

"We won't hesitate to destroy you!" Shuichi had recognized that female voice.

'Was that.....Tsumugi Shirogane?'

Shuichi went to stand up to scan her, but was kicked down again. The people began hitting him with signs and attempted to pull his limbs off.

"GET OFF HIM!!" Ouma yelled out as he tried to make his way to Shuichi, but there were too many humans crowded around him, "Tsumugi!! Tell your group to stop it!!" He angrily shouted at her. She turned around and gave him a blank stare,

"Don't worry, I'll pay for the damages."

"Pay for damages?! What the fuck are you talking about?! Don't you realize he'll be restarted, or even replaced?? Bitch, I thought we were friends!!"

"...It's just a plain machine, Ouma. You're overreacting. I'll have a brand new android for you by to-"

Kokichi performed an uppercut to her chin, causing the individual's face to shoot up as she staggered to keep her balance. The short male picked out a banner that he then tore up and violently ripped the cloth off of. He took the stick of the banner that had once held it up and swung it to hit a protester's head. All of the rest of the shocked protester's eyes turned to look at Ouma as the person he hit fell to his knees, "O-Ow!!"

"I'll give all of you a fucking concussion if you don't leave him alone," he threatened. The people stepped back as whispered were exchanged and shouts were thrown at Kokichi, "Whose side are you on?!?"

"You're supporting the androids??"

"They'll take your job next!!"

The purple-haired human walked over to Shuichi, ignoring all of their comments, and gave him a worried look, "Sh-Shuichi...are you okay?" The android nodded in response as he was helped back to his feet, "Despite their best efforts, their anger blinded them from having precise aim....although I may have some scratches and got your sweater ripped. I'm sorry, I'll get you a replacement."

Going Against Programming - Oumasai [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now