Chapter 2

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Ouma walked into the living room after he got dressed in a plain, dark green v-neck shirt with his unzipped red hoodie. rubbing his tired eyes and glancing over to Shuichi standing up, but not seeming to be occupied. He raised an eyebrow as he got closer to them,

"How the hell do I wake this up?..." he mumbled to himself. Kokichi planted his hand on the taller individual's shoulder,

"Hey! Wake u-"


Shuichi snapped and grabbed the human's wrist before bringing them over to the wall and roughly pinning them to it. He stared at the purple-haired male with a threatening gaze as his L.E.D turned red.

[ KOKICHI ] - [ (V) relationship decrease (V) ]


"Shuichi! What the fuck are you doing??"

"...........!! A-ah...sorry Mr. Ouma!" The android immediately released his grasp off of the other and took a few steps back, "I....don't know what came over me." Shuichi continued to walk backwards until he was a reasonable distance from his owner, just in case this malfunction occurred again.

Kokichi crossed his arms and frowned at the stunned android, "Seriously? I just got you fixed!"

"I know, I apolo-"

"Shut up!...."

"..." the android grew quiet, not because they were his orders, but because he felt what humans called, 'guilt'.

Ouma walked away from the android and went into the kitchen. He opened up his fridge and sighed seeing how empty it was. He glanced over to Shuichi, "I'm going out. Don't break anything while I'm gone."

He went over to the door and opened the closet located next to it to get his sweater.

"W-wait Mr. Ouma, do you want me to-"


The short individual slammed the door, leaving Shuichi a bit confused since he had no clear instructions at the moment.


Kokichi let out a frustrated huff; Something about Shuichi's behaviour really annoyed him. He looked human, he spoke like a human, but he was a machine built to follow instructions, and that was it.

The android eventually started moving around the living room, scanning more items to learn more about Kokichi Ouma. The L.E.D in his forehead turned yellow as he went down the hall and entered Ouma's bedroom before quickly turning back to blue. Shuichi first scanned a small box and a large device sitting on an obviously old and worn out bureau.



Shuichi opened the box and pulled a few out to observe them. Due to the frequent amount of tears and bent cards, he concluded that Kokichi used this deck often. Setting them down, he noticed that there were quite a few panta soda cans scattered around the room. Shuichi automatically set cleaning them up as one of his tasks.


[ • learn about Mr. Ouma ]


[ • pick up panta soda cans ]

The android walked over to the closet and opened it, immediately spotting a pile of clothing that was supposed to be up on the hangers. He picked them up one by one and hung them back until a small phone fell out of a sweater's front pocket. Shuichi picked up the phone and turned it on. A flood of messages and call notifications seemed to go on forever as Shuichi scrolled through them. The majority of them seemed to be from the contacts named as "Mom" and "Dad". The android scanned a small portion of the never ending list.

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