Chapter 12

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Shuichi knocked on the bathroom door for the third time, "Are you alright?"

Ouma wiped his wet face off with a towel and opened the door, "Yep!~" He acted like nothing had happened and began to walk down the hall. The android stopped them by placing a hand on their shoulder, "Wait... this box fell out of your pocket when you were running."

Shuichi handed the other individual the container of pocky. The purple-haired male started to blush again from embarrassment and snatched it, "kthanksbye!~" He stuttered out and went to walk away, but then the android started talking.

"I have concluded that it is a type of snack? Chocolate coated sticks." 

"Yeah! Do androids taste things?" Ouma tilted his head with interest.

"No. It's a perk of being a machine. I-I.. m-mean.. androids don't taste, we can analyse substances, but we have no frame reference of to detect what is 'delicious' or 'disgusting' like humans do."

"Awe, that's too bad! I wanted you to test out my baking," Kokichi pouted.

"...sorry to disappoint you."

The human playfully went on their tip-toes to reach his hand up and knock the cap down so it would cover Shuichi's eyes, "You're cute when you apologize~" Ouma bit his lip at his own words and made his way into his room, "I'm... tired. Job hunting is exhaustingggg," he whined.

    Shuichi adjusted his hat and spoke in a concerned tone as he entered his bedroom, "Kokichi... what are you going to do when you have to pay rent?"

The android heard a faint reply from the human, "Nothing, it's fine. I'll find something by then~"

"...okay....Just know that.. if you don't.. you could always sell me?"

"....what? Shuichi, I didn't have you fixed, bought you, told you my life story, and purchased you gifts just to be sold. You're my....f..friend!~" Ouma choked on those words and sat on his bed, "I'd rather be broke and starving, nishishi~" He tried his best to lighten the mood.

Shuichi sulked and walked closer to the bed with a serious tone, "You need to focus on your health."

"..what about your health?" Kokichi shot back at him, "You should....start thinking about yourself."

"Androids can be replaced, humans can't. I care about you too much for you to do something stupid and suffer because of me." Shuichi instructed.

"I'm. Not. Selling. You." Kokichi spoke in the same bitter tone as the other, "I'll find a way around it, don't you trust me?"

    Shuichi stayed quiet at his words; His L.E.D turning red and he left the bedroom, lowering the hat on his face and moving his hair to fully cover himself, "I'll be back soon."

[ • do not leave the house ]
[ • find money ]

[ . . . ]

Kokichi ran after him, down the apartment hallways and stairs until he reached outside, "Shuichi! W-Wait! Where are you going?!" but the android was already out of sight.


Shuichi felt the rain hit his clothes as he hurried at a fast pace towards the town centre. He looked around at the surrounding humans who were all holding open umbrellas above their heads to protect themselves from the rain.

    The android constantly glanced around with a paranoid expression as he walked into a large, well lit building and approached an ATM machine. Shuichi pretended to be using the machine with one hand, but his other hand's skin was slowly fading as he touched it.

He could sense a human approaching him, but he continued hacking into it.

Kokichi needed this money.

Thankfully, the human was standing behind him, but occupied with their phone.

Shuichi collected the thousands of dollars that came out of the machine, and stuffed them into his pockets. He repeated this process for a few minutes until the person behind him started complaining, "Hey man, can you hurry up, please?"

Shuichi lifted his hand up from the machine and watched the colour return to it before turning to walk past the other human.

He had a smile on his face knowing that he collected way more than what Ouma needed to survive.


The android knocked on the apartment door, and seconds later, Kokichi opened it.

"Shuichi!~ I was worri-"

Shuichi lightly pushed Ouma into the apartment so he could close the door behind him. The smaller individual noticed the expression on his face, "What are you smiling about?~"

The android pulled out the stacks of cash out of his pockets and placed them on the table organized by value. The purple-haired male stared at it with wide, unblinking eyes for a few minutes before turning to the android.

"Where the fuck did you find this...?

"It doesn't matter, Kokichi. You don't have to worry anymo-"

Ouma pulled on the strings of his sweater and yanked him down to eye-level, "Where the fuck did you get this from?!"

" ATM machine..."

Kokichi let out a shocked reaction before laughing, but his voice slowly grew with anger, "You said that you didn't steal before, but look at what you did now! This is over 5,000 dollars, Shuichi!! Five thousand fucking dollars!!"

"B-But.." Shuichi started to panic, "I.. I helped you.."

" up..." His grip weakened as he couldn't help but constantly glance at the money. "Shit.. this is fucking insane, even for you. Good job, you've outdone yourself this time."


Kokichi pressed his face into the other's torso and wrapped his arms around him. His voice started breaking, "T-This is.. f-fucking.. ins-ane.." The human hugged tighter, "t-than..k yo-u.."

Shuichi looked down at him and listened to the male cry into his chest. He softly put his arms around the other to bring them closer.

"I-I...y-you're welcome..."

[ KOKICHI ] - [ (^) relationship increase (^) ]     

Ouma's knees weakened as he continued to break down, but he didn't let go.

"...n-never...steal a-again, o-okay?...I-I mean it!!!"

"I promise."

Shuichi hugged him tighter which cause Ouma to start pulling away, "Sh-Shuichi, y-you're crushing me...~"

"S-sorry!" The android unwrapped his arms from them and took a step back.

"N-Nishishi~ I guess I owe you a lot after this..." He wiped his tears away using his sleeve.

"Nonsense, you don't owe me anything. Just having you is more than enough." Shuichi said with a tone that Kokichi recognised as a type of mild flirting, even though he knew that the android would never say something like that on purpose.

Kokichi prayed that he wasn't blushing as he looked directly at the navy-haired android. "If there's anything you want to ask, just say it, alright?~"

[ . . . ]

[ • find a time to ask Kokichi a question ]

Shuichi nodded in response as Ouma picked up the money and left the room to put it in his bearu.

"Goodnight, Shuichi!~" He shouted before closing his door.

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