Chapter 9

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Kokichi woke up on the couch, remembering that he had trashed his room the other day. He peered into his bedroom to see the android staring out the window. Shuichi detected their presence and turned around, "Kokichi, I've ordered some new items and parts for the damaged objects from yesterday."

Ouma groaned at this, assuming that they used his money to order them, "Great...."

"Did I do something wrong?" Shuichi asked, slightly confused to what the boy was getting annoyed at.

"I don't have a job anymore, or anything to get money, you can't just spend it on-"

"Sorry to interrupt but.. uhm.. you've got that wrong. Since it was your parent's fault that you trashed your room, I took money from their account. Once I scanned them and gained their identities, I was able to access it and...I didn't know I could take money from them until I tried it. It must be a feature for my model and original purpose."

Kokichi's eyes widened slightly, "You mean you got stealing?"

Shuichi's L.E.D flickered from blue to yellow. "No.. I.."

"Awesome!~" Kokichi's eyes had sparkles in them and there was a large grin on his face.

[ KOKICHI ] - [ (^) relationship + (^) ]

Shuichi desperately tried to justify his actions, "I didn't steal! I w-wouldn't do that! I know stealing is illegal!"

"Buuuut you diiidd~" The shorter individual got closer and teased him.

"Y-You... s-seem rather excited about the i-idea of me stealing.. n-not that I have!"

"Nishi~ because that would make you less boring, ya know?~"


Kokichi began to stare at them as his mind wandered back to deviancy. Stealing doesn't count as violent actions...does it? He shrugged off the thought as his eyes focused on the clothing the other was wearing. He had almost forgot that the other was wearing his sweater.

"Isn't it comfortable?~ The sweater I mean."

"...I suppose..I can't really feel the softness of the fabric, since I lack skin, but it does warm up my body."

"It looks nice on you, it actually fits you well." Kokichi stated, still gazing at the android.

Shuichi was slightly caught off-guard, not used to compliments, "Was that one of your jokes?"

"What do you think?~" He snickered before explaining, "It wasn't a joke, I'm not alwayyyysss lying, y'know. Sometimes I can be nice."

"I see...." Shuichi processed this information, "...this reminds you still wish to teach me about 'love'?"

Kokichi's face slightly warmed up, "Oh, that...hmmm..." Ouma looked around his room to try and find something to help him.

"If I'm interfering you by asking.. don't feel obligated to explain. I'll just read articles online."

"Nishi~ Looking up articles of love on the internet isn't a good idea~"

Shuichi titled his head, "Why?"

Kokichi let out a nervous chuckle and shifted awkwardly, "Just let me explain it." The purple haired male fell backwards onto his bed and stared up at the ceiling, thinking of what to say.

"...well... when a person is interested in someone....."

"Like our relationship?"

"U-um..." He coughed into his elbow to try and hide his growing blush, "N-not really... this type of interest is different. can change a person's actions... l-like thinking constantly about them."

"Can you be more specific?"

" fantasizing about dating them, having a future with them, and u-um... s-sometimes...."

"Sometimes? I'm sorry, am I making you feel embarrassed? The temperature of your forehead is rising."

"N-no, I'm fine," he sat up, but kept his eyes looking down at the floor, "....and..even though thinking about them can be fun, it hurts."

"..." Shuichi didn't know what to say, but Ouma talked before he could, "It hurts to know that they're...either far away, not interested, with someone else....there's too many reasons that I couldn't possibly list..."

"Do you know from.. p-personal experiences?"

The purple-haired male went silent, but started cackling after a few seconds. His laughs held pain beneath them, Shuichi could tell. "Nishi~ yeahhh, it sucks." He moved his eyes up to make eye contact with the android, "Even being in a relationship with the person you love... it hurts. They could cheat on you, lie to you, manipulate you, ....or simply use you just for desires."

"I'll never feel that, will I?" Shuichi didn't know what he was saying before he felt the words slip out of his mouth.

    Kokichi stood up from his bed and inched closer to him, "...I hope not. No one should have to suffer like that. You're pretty lucky to be an android." Ouma drifted from his serious tone and went back to being playful, "Honestly, I'm ready to die alone~ It's not worth the trouble to force yourself to be with someone just so you aren't lonely, that's kinda sad. So what if loneliness drowns me?"

Shuichi's mouth began to open on its own, "If you truly wished to be alone, relationship wise or not, you wouldn't of purchased me."


"I think I've caught you in a li-"

"I needed more help at the bakery," Kokichi innocently tilted his head, "I've already said that. I'd thought you'd remember with that memory of yours~"

The android wasn't falling for his lies at all. Something made him question what they were stating, despite saying previously that he wouldn't do that anymore. Kokichi looked at the android's face, noticing the differing emotions he was showing. "You thinking of something?"

Shuichi looked back up and spoke with a completely emotionless expression, "No, nothing."

The other shrugged and started to walk out of the room, "I'm going to find some help wanted places. Stay here if you want, but if you go out, don't follow me."

Shuichi noted his instruction and nodded in response. The android watched him slowly walk around the apartment, collecting all of his items and putting them inside a backpack. Just as the human was about to reach for the door, he suddenly ran back towards his bedroom.

After a few seconds, he walked back out, this time with a checkered scarf around his neck.

"I like that. The pattern is really transfixing."

Kokichi stopped in his tracks, surprised by the android's compliment. "Uhh, thanks.." before leaving the apartment; slamming the door after him.

The android stood in the living room, scanning everything around him in case there was something he needed to clean or examine. He discovered Kokichi's closed laptop sitting on the couch. The blue-haired individual was surprised that it had survived the other's rage in one piece.

He picked it up to move it to a safer location when he heard a notification go off from inside it. Shuichi opened up the lid of the computer to see an open webpage. Obviously Kokichi had forgotten to close whatever he was looking at.


'How to tell if your android is a deviant'

Shuichi stared at the page with wide eyes as he started to read the website; one paragraph after another.

He almost dropped it onto the floor as he read through the signs of deviancy. All of a sudden, the android felt restricted as a wave of what he knew humans felt as 'panic' run through his entire system.

"I.. I.."

The android looked around desperately, his L.E.D switching between yellow and red over and over again, not knowing what he was going to do.

The only thing that he knew was that he wanted to leave, even though it wasn't rational.

The android took a spare pair of keys from the human's bureau then left the apartment.

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