Chapter 11

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Shuichi was already awake and functioning by 6am on the Saturday morning. He had completed his daily system checks and tidied everywhere within the apartment, apart from Kokichi's room of course.

The human had been asleep for approximately 12 hours now but Shuichi guessed that it was due to him tiring himself out the day before. He decided to wake up the shorter male and went down the hallway into his room. Shuichi placed a hand on his shoulder and gently shook them, "Kokichi, wake up."

"...five... more.. minuuuuutess..." He groaned and slipped further under the covers.

Shuichi sighed and tugged the sheets off, but since Ouma was clinging onto them, the purple-haired male was pulled onto the floor with a thud. He groaned again and complained, "Stopppp, I'm not ready to wake up yettt.."

".....I'll hide all of your panta in a place that's too high for you to reach."

"You wouldn't dare!!" Apparently, that woke him up as he struggled to get on his feet. His purple hair looked messier than usual, but Shuichi found it rather cute.

"Did you sleep well? Your clothes, hair, and behavior are all unusual."

"That's because I'm tirreeeedddd.." The smaller boy let out a large yawn as he spoke.

Shuichi tilted his head, "Should I carry you to the kitchen for your breakfast?"

Ouma didn't respond and just simply walked over drowsily to the android, leaning against them. The taller male took that as a 'yes' and lifted the other one up bridal style. Kokichi's face grew a faint blush on it as he rested his head on the android's chest as the android brought him to the table.

Shuichi carefully put him down on a stool which was next to the table.

"There you go."


[ KOKICHI ] - [ (^) relationship + (^) ]

Ouma looked on the table to see a plate of pancakes and bacon. He licked his lips and his mouth began to water as he started to eat it. "Dish ihs wreally gwuud~" He talked with his mouth full. Once he swallowed his food, he looked over at Shuichi, "How did you make this? I didn't have ingredients to make pancakes..."

"You probably didn't notice the pancake mix on the highest cabinet shelf," Shuichi lied. Kokichi shrugged it off and continued to eat, knowing that he never bought pancake mix since he likes to make it homemade.

The android watch the other eat, and for some reason, was stuck gazing at him. His hair looked so soft..and his skin seemed really sensitive. He noticed the human had a blush on his face that grew with every second that Shuichi stood there. Finally, the shorter individual finished his meal and got up.

"Don't leave this house today, Shuichi. I'm serious," Kokichi stated in a low tone and grabbed his backpack, "I'll be back in a few hours!~"

[  • do not leave the house ]

[  . . . ]

As the android watched the other leave, he felt a strange feeling of emptiness overcome him; As if he.... missed him. Shuichi couldn't seem to shake off this emotion, and started to feel like he needed to do something special for his friend.

But he had orders not to leave the apartment.

He was willing to follow those orders this time, learning his lesson from yesterday.

After examining all of the ingredients that Kokichi had in his kitchen, Shuichi concluded that he could make a single cupcake. The android began to go to work with that idea in mind. He really wanted to do something nice for the human, especially after all he had done for him.

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