Chapter 14

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"Don't worry about me, Kokichi. I said I'm fine."

"A few minutes ago, you weren't!!

"Can I have some moments of solitude?"

"Not until you tell me what's wrong!" Ouma argued with him as he closed his apartment door when they walked in. At this point, Shuichi had stopped responding, which Kokichi didn't like at all. The shorter male muttered under his breath, "You talk all this shit about not being a deviant. An android that truly can't feel emotions wouldn't act so gloomy."

Shuichi shook his head and attempted to walk away from the human, but Ouma blocked his path. He looked up at the android with an angry expression.

[ KOKICHI ] - [ (V) relationship - (V) ]

"Why are you such a dick all of a sudden??"


"No, I'm not letting you go until you give me an answer." Kokichi instructed, moving his body so that Shuichi couldn't move forward. The android folded his arms and let out a frustrated sigh, starting to lose his patience.


"I will when you start fucking talking!"


"No." Kokichi's eyes narrowed.

Shuichi pushed his hat up to show his eyes more and gave the other an intense glare, "I'll tell you one more time, Kokichi. Move out of my fucking way."

Ouma responded by daring to take a step towards him and flashing a smirk, "Are you threatening me? I thought that was against your programming since.. You're. Just. A. Machine."

Shuichi calculated the best possible outcome for the scenario that he was thinking of in his head. After a few moments, he lightly pushed Kokichi away as a warning, making him stumble backwards. Ouma bit his lip, not daring to hit the other like he had done once before.

The purple-haired male muttered under his breath, "Fuck...."

Shuichi walked past him, down the hall, and into the bathroom to finally catch a break from the human. The android sat down against the sink, placing his head in his hands.

*knock knock knock*

Shuichi turned his head to look at the door, but refused to speak.

"Shuichi....Are you okay..?" He spoke in more of a concerned tone this time.


Ouma sat on the floor and rested his back against the door, letting out a sigh, "Did something to upset you?"

Shuichi didn't respond and slowly began to slouch against the sink's cabinet.

"I'll stay here all night, I mean it," Kokichi muttered and rubbed his tired eyes.

"..." Shuichi looked upwards and suddenly realised that there was a large mirror above it.

"Shuichi, come onnnn, I'm getting tired..." The shorter individual whined.

The blue-haired male stood up and looked into the mirror. He could clearly see that the android looking back at him appeared to be troubled. He grit his teeth and clenched his fists in frustration, wanting to smash the mirror, getting rid of his reflection.

"..Shuichi. I'm sorry for.. earlier.. when I kissed you. I shouldn't of taken advantage of your lack of knowledge like that..." Shuichi was taken back by the human's words.

Kokichi didn't expect the android to reply, and he was surprised when he heard Shuichi speak.

"Don't apologise."

"But I knew you were unaware of kissing, and I did it anyway..."

"Well I.. said that.... I liked it.."

Ouma bit his lip as he remembered his words, "...y-yeah...but...."

" was not a mistake."

The purple-haired individual tried to think of something else he did that would've upset the android, but his thoughts were interrupted as he let out a yawn and he closed his eyes.

Shuichi shut his eyes to rest them and listened to the human's soft breathing as Ouma gently fell asleep. He waited a few minutes before standing up and carefully opened the bathroom door. He knelt down to slip his arms under the smaller one's body and picked him up without disturbing his sleep. The android cautiously laid the male down on his bed before quietly leaving the room.

He made sure to pick up his hat from the kitchen counter and a spare pair of keys before silently leaving the apartment. Shuichi knew that something that wrong with him. He needed to get himself fixed before he hurt someone, or even worse, if he harmed Kokichi.

He quickly looked up directions to CyberLife tower and started to make his way towards it.


Once he entered the building, he walked over to the 'services' desk, but was stopped as a woman grabbed his wrist.

"I recognize you. You're...Ouma's android, aren't you? Model RY900."

Shuichi turned his head to the side and made eye contact with her, "Ms. Shirogane. What are you doing here?"

Tsumugi gave him an intense, yet trusting, gaze. "I work here. Why are you here? Shuichi, was it?"

The android nodded, "I've been experiencing some system abnormalities and I thought that I should come here in order for my programming to be checked for faults and errors. I understood that you didn't like androids, based on your actions towards me.. why are you working at CyberLife?"

The woman let out a sweet chuckle before replying, "I'm sorry. I don't recall any incident like that.. but anyway, what a coincidence! I work here along with a small team to assist androids like you, getting you back to plain, normal working order."

The android raised his eyebrow, 'how could she not remember? She was encouraging the other humans to break me...' he thought to himself.

"Follow me, please." Tsumugi's tone was gentle and calming, so was her smile. Shuichi refused to let his guard down nevertheless, knowing that she was the human responsible for him being attacked; He recognised her face the instant he laid his eyes on it, but he obeyed her instructions.


Kokichi turned in his bed then rubbed his eyes as he sat up; His eyes looked around at his surroundings. Eventually, he realized that the bathroom door was open. Peeking into the room, he found no signs of his android.

"Shuichi...?" The purple-haired male started to call out for him in every room, "Shuichi, this isn't funny...where are you?"

Kokichi walked quickly into the kitchen to check one thing. The android had taken his hat with him, meaning that he had gone out somewhere.


Panic started to set in as the human desperately tried to think of the reasons that would of cause Shuichi to leave without any notice. Kokichi quickly ran back into his room and grabbed his laptop.

'My android has gone missing'

He clicked to a link on CyberLife's website question page.

'Have a missing android? No problem! CyberLife is always happy to help with any of your android problems. Simply visit the CyberLife Tower, or contact us, and we will safely bring your android back to you!'

    Kokichi wasted no time in snatching up his keys and running out of the apartment building. Nothing was going to stop him from finding his friend.. no matter what.

No price was too high.

No price was too small.

He would do anything.

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