Chapter 1

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[ scanning. . . ]


[ Born: 6/21/2019 // Employed ]

[ Criminal record: None ]


The android, now known as "Shuichi", scanned the individual as they walked out of the CyberLife store. Kokichi eventually noticed his android was staring at him.

"What are you looking at?"

"I am scanning you so that I am able to calculate the best possible approach."

"Without my permission?" The human chuckled.

The android turned its head to the side, not really understanding why the purple-haired male was laughing. To his knowledge, he hadn't said anything humorous; Not on purpose at least. His intentions definitely didn't involve making the human laugh, so he assumed that he had acted incorrectly.

"My apologies, Mr. Ouma. I'll ask for your consent more often."

"Geez, I was just kidding. Can't you pick up sarcasm?"

Shuichi raised an eyebrow at him, but displayed the human emotion of agreement, "Yes, of course."

A few moments later, Kokichi took a sharp left and opened the door to what seemed to be a bakery. The inside of the building had no customers, not even a cashier at the desk.

"Why are we here?" Shuichi asked, curiously. He paused for a few seconds to examine the place from the entrance, "According to my scans, this does not appear to be your place of residence."

Kokichi turned around to face his new android. "That's pretty creepy. What happened to asking for my permission before scanning?"

The blue orb on the side of his forehead turned yellow for a moment as it processed his actions and the short human's response to those actions, "I apologise. I shall not do that again. I have implemented it into my instructions."

Ouma shrugged, not really seeming to be fazed by the situation, "Whatever. This is my bakery. Impressive for a 19 year old, amiright?" He bragged with a large grin on his face, seeming proud of it. Shuichi nodded, "Yes, it is. Due to the rise of androids, about 30% of human employees have-"

[ KOKICHI ] - [ (V) relationship - (V) ]

"You talk too much," the male complained and walked behind the counter, "are you always going to be like this?"

"Like what? Am I being unpleasant? You should know that it was not one of my intentions."

"...Forget about it," Kokichi sighed out of slight frustration.

As Ouma stacked his displays with cupcakes, brownies, and other treats, Shuichi stood there neutrally before deciding to speak up, "Mr. Ouma...why did you purchase me?"

Kokichi didn't respond until he finished putting his treats on display. He glanced over at the android, "To help me bake. You know how to, right?"

"...I'm sorry to disappoint you, but due to what the purpose of my model is, that is not one of my pre-installed features."

"Oh, really?" He tilted his head and narrowed his eyes at the other, "What's your model meant to be for anyway?"

"...I...don't know."

"You don't know the purpose for your own model?" The human sighed again, mainly from disbelief this time. Kokichi mumbled something underneath his breath before speaking up again. "Okay...well, then I'll teach you how to bake."

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