Chapter 6: Tricking old people is good pt.2

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Rin woke up wraped in blankets and Souji. The guy was unceramoniously sprawled over her, crushing her stomach and ribcage. She battled a good five minutes to get him off. He woke up about halfway through but decided to be a pain in the ass. Encouragement, was how he put it. 

"Sorry I'm late. My fiancé was being a pain."

"I saw, I came to wake you up, but you looked so comfortable." Rin forced herself to blush. Taking on a flustered  tone, she said:

"W-Well, I'm here now, so tell me what to do." 

"Just chop the vegetables and make the rice."

They worked for a good twenty minutes in silence. Rin started to feel the oppressive lack of sound. She mumbled a song to herself, trying to ward it off.

"Girl, what's your name?"


"I'm Aiko."

"Rin, I may be making assumtions, but you seem of good birth and you fiancé is a ronin. I can't imagine that your parents approve of this wedding." Rin turned to the older woman, giggled and responded:

"They don't, but I love him." Damn, the cheeziest excuse in the world, but believable in this senario. The old woman stayed quiet a few secondes, before saying:

"I suppose I just wanted to warn you that once you get married, there's no going back. Your family won't take you back and in the eyes of society you will belong to him."

"I know. I've thought it over, and I prefer a hard life with someone that I love, over an easy on with the man my parents chose for me." 

"Well, don't say I didn't warn you. But just so you know, my husband and I are getting up in years and could use an exta pair of hands to help out. If you ever end up with nowere left to go." 

"Thank you" And, to Rin's surprise, she was sincere.

She still grabbed a few rice balls on the way out.


The days went by, sleeping on the side of the road, conning people out of food. Inventually, they saw Kyoto in the distance. Rin was pretty much jump with exitement.

"We're FINALLY here! FINALLY!"

"Pretty awsome."

Souji had to jog to keep up with Rin's speedwalking. She was so exited to get there. Maybe Saito had turned up! That would be awsome! She wanted to go drinking with the Baka-trio, and she wanted to go on patrol, and spar with Sano, and mess with Toshi's beloved paperwork!

Souji could only smile at his friend's awe and exitement. 

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