Chapter 8: Drink responsibly kids

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- 8 years ago -

High-pitched, almost hysteric sobs pulled Souji from the grasps of sleep.

"Help! Souji? T-T-Toshi? Kondo-san!? I-I think I'm dying!" That startled him awake. Rin wasn't one to lose it over nothing. Scrambling to his feet, he ran into her room. Rin, in her sleeping yukata, was sitting in her bed, her hands covered in blood, the metallic tang floated in the air.

"I'm b-bleeding! And it hurts! Souji, h-h-how do I make it s-stop?!" Panic flooded his mind, she couldn't die! She was his only friend and Kondo-san would be sad. Grabbing her shoulders, he shook her a bit, trying to snap her back into reality:

"Rin, where are you bleeding from? Let me see." Her face went pink and she shook her head violently.


"Why not? I can't help if I don't know what's going on." She turned her head to the side and her blush deepened. Souji sighed:

"Okay, don't show me, but at least tell me where you're bleeding from ... please?"

"Down there."

"Down where?"

"Between my legs." And suddenly, it made a lot of sense, why she hadn't wanted to show him. His face went beet red. He didn't know much about women, but that was definitely a private part of a girl's body. Looking away awkwardly, he said:

"Maybe, Hijikata can help. He knows stuff about girls."


Toshi woke up to Souji's frantic voice just outside and something that sounded like a sobbing girl. He groggily mumbled:

"Come in."

The shoji slammed open, revealing a panicked Souji and a terrified Rin, the bottom half of her yukata splattered with blood. Ohhhh ... Fuck. I thought we had at least another year before this.

Souji grabbed Rin's hand and dragged her into the room.

"Hijikata! I need help! Rin's bleeding from between her legs and she's freaking out." Souji whisper-yelled into his ear. Toshi's mind was swimming and after panicking for three seconds, he started to build a plan.

"Souji, go get Kondo-san! Tell him to bring his wife." Souji let go of Rin's hand and turned to the door and said:

"If she's anymore scared when I get back, I swear, I'm gonna gut you." And walked out the door. Toshi sighed and looked at Rin, at a complete loss as to what to do. Thinking it over, he decides on a course of action:

"Rin, come here." The girl pretty much ran into him and squeezes, very tight, very, very tight. Okay, that works too. Awkwardly returning the hug, he tried to sooth her:

"Rin, I know that this is scary and new, but it's entirely natural and that all women go through it."

"So ... it's not going to kill me?"


"Then, what is it?"He was not answering that question. He would be dumping that responsibility on Otsune-san, Kondo-san's wife.

"I'll let Otsune-san explain that to you."


"Souji, why are you even telling this story?" An utterly sloshed Souji was telling Shinpachi, Heisuke and Sano, who were just as drunk, the story about the first time Rin had her periode. WHY, SOUJI, why?

"Because, they asked for an embarrassing story about you."

"Don't forget that you were just as freaked out as me and you got all paranoied and over protective AND got even more embarrassed than me when Toshi was forced to explain it because Otsune-san wasn't there." That shut him down and made blush a lovely shade of red.

Looking around at her drinking partners, Rin saw that Sano looked gently horrified that Souji would share such personal information about her, Heisuke was a blushing mess and Shin was laughing his ass off. Out of nowhere, Shin bellowed:


"Yeah, he did. And it was very concise and to the point, as always. If you like, I could convince him to repeat it for your own education, I bet he can remember every word. I know I can"

" NOOOOOOOOO, no, no, nope."

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