Chapter 19: Let's Talk Stabbies

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The knife cut her thumb and she dropped it, swearing.

"Son of a bitch!" Ryunnosuke, who had also been in the kitchen at that point, jumped. He swung around to face her.

"What's wrong?"

"Sorry, wasn't talking to you." She stomped out, dripping blood on the floor and her clothes. She felt useless. A waist of space and resources. She couldn't fight, she couldn't write, she couldn't lift anything and she couldn't even chop fucking vegetables! Her right arm was basically a useless lump of flesh. She couldn't leave the compound either. She could only watch as the others went about their day doing all the things she couldn't. Watch and wait. Somehow, her feet guided her to a secluded corner of the estate, where Saito would stay when he was tired of other people. Today, he was sitting, rag in one hand, sword in the other.

"Saito? I need to ask you something." The man looked up, nodded his head slightly and looked back down. She sat down." Thanks. Do you know if there's any type of weapon I could use one handed?"

"Yes, you could try the wakizashi. It's lighter." Rin felt a huge burden fall from her shoulders. She wasn't going to be useless forever! "You could also start training you left arm and switch up your grip on your naginata." She gave him the tightest hug she could, her right arm hanging limply in its sling.

"Will you help me?" He nodded again.

"Thank you. You have no idea how much this means to me." He gave her a look that could only be read as 'you sure about that?'. Of course he knew, he knows everything.


"Rin! We got the Ok from Aizu! We're staying!" Heisuke came bouncing through the door, a big goofy grin on his face. A very similar, although a bit less vibrant, smile spread across the young woman's face. She put down her manuscript, just in time to save it from Heisuke barrelling into her. She winced.

"Watch it, there's a gaping hole in the shoulder."

"Sorry! Everyone is going to Shimabara to celebrate!" Lovely ... something else Toshi wasn't going to let her be a part of. " Hijikata-san said you could come!"


A/N: Sorry this one is horrendously short😅 I've been struggling. Mostly because I've never had a life changing injury in my short 14 years of life (the closest I ever got was getting a band-aid stuck in my nostril and going to the hospital to get it removed) So, yeah ... I'm pulling this all out of my ass ... Enjoy!

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