Chapter 9: Bandana Man

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A/N: Okay so this is the official start of Reimeiroku. Everything before this point was my crackhead imagination going wild. Sorry for all inconsistancies that I've created in the timeline.

The last thing Rin had expected was that Serizawa, of all people, would pick up a pity project. Why was is it that she always got babysitting duty? The boy himself looked a lot like Heisuke, absurdly long blue hair and absolutely covered in bruises. He would be waking up any moment now, luckily, Heisuke was about to come take over. Mr. Knockoff Heisuke twitched and Rin prayed for Heisuke to hurry up. The brown haired boy came through the door and the blue haired one shot up:

"To hell with Samurai!"

"Careful kid, you're in a house full of them.", She said this in a joyful tone, but a sharp edge was hidden right underneath.

"Oh! You're awake." Heisuke pushed her aside." You shouldn't get up so quickly, I don't know what happened to you, but you whole body was black and blue." Rin sighed and turned away:

"You handle this Heisuke. I'm out." Slipping through the doorway, she went in search of something entertaining. Around the corner, she heard Sano and Shin talking. Something entertaining. Knocking on the door, she said:

"It's Rin" A muffled "Come in." answered. Pushing the shoji open, she walked in and sat down.

"I finally got off babysitting duty and I get stuck with another man-child. What's worse is that this one has a grudge." Shin gave her a curious look:

"Against who?"

"The entirty of the samurai class. That includes us." 

"Well, that's crappy."

"Well there isn't much we can do about it and he'll probably get his ass out of here as fast as he can." Shifting her eyes from Shinpatchi to Sano, she said: "Anyways, I heard you have a new crush ... spill."

"Who told you!?"

"Heisuke's a very chatty drunk. Who is she? If you tell me, I can help you get the girl."

"The last time I took your advice on women, I almost lost a very important part of my body"

"Not my fault, you hadn't told me the girl was a butcher's daughter."


"Heisuke, who is that?" A tall redhead addressed the short boy. Ibuki stopped and examined the strangers in front of him. The redhead towered over the two others, the girl from earlier with her brown hair and sharp eyes and another total stranger wearing a green bandana.

"Sano, Shinpatchi!" The brown haired boy, Heisuke said, sounding a bit surprised. Ibuki simply started to walk past them.

"Hey, hold up." A big hand closed on his collar, as the redhead stopped him in his tracks.

"Hey, what the hell! Let go of me!" A female voice dripping with mockery and contempt said:

"And if he doesn't?" The redhead, Sano, he assumed, simply ignored her.

"Who, pray tell, are you, young man?"

"He's that guy that Serizawa picked up on the way to the capital. Now that he's finally doing better, he says he's going to leave."

"I see. That would explain why I recognize this kid's face." Ibuki was very done with this.

"How long are you going to hold on to my collar? Let go already!"Shoving away from the tall man, he regained his balance.

"It's great that you're feeling a lot better, but I can't honestly say that I approve of how you just want to leave without thanking us."

"I never asked anyone in here for their help in the first place."

"Why you ..." Bandana man growled. The other one's fist cane crashing down on his head.

"What was that for!?"

"Regardless of whether or not you asked for help, who do you have to thank for being alive and well? You owe us for the hospitality we've shown you so far."

"What's your name, come on?"

"I already introduced myself to that guy earlier. You should ask him for my name."

"You've got guts ... apparently on blow to the noggin wasn't enough to give you manners." Again the woman snickered and said:

"It never worked on me, so why would it work on him? You must have hit me a thousand times and I sure as hell haven't learned any manners."

"You don't need to hit me over every little thing! ... I'm Ibuki, Ryunnosuke Ibuki."

"You should have been a good boy, and said that to begin with." Bandana man added:

"I wouldn't argue with Sano if I were you, he doesn't hold back none when it comes to dudes." The woman made another comment at the Bandana Man:

"Does that mean I'm a dude, Shin?" Bandana Man does his best to ignore her, but doesn't quite manage.

"If you want to know someones name, isn't it only polite to introduce yourself first?"

"Ohh, now you're trying to be a smart mouth with me, but you actually do have a point. I'm sorry ... I'm Sanosuke Harada, and that's Shinpatchi Nagakura."

"And who exactly is it that I'm supposed to go thank?"

"A maniacal fuck called Serizawa. By the way, I'm Rin."


"Rin, must you always try to discredit everything I say?"


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