Chapter 30: Finally some girl-talk!

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Rin strolled down the packed streets of the market, the bundle of bright blue cloth tucked under her arm. There were fewer people around than usual, the marketplace only welcomed a few clusters of shoppers. Even so, she could occasionally feel pairs of eyes on her. Tugging self-consciously at her shirt's hem, trying to cover up her bandage, she hurried on.

It was an immeasurable relief to tuck into the shop, away from some of the hardly concealed stares. She scanned her surroundings: brightly coloured cloth and trims filled most of the space. It was empty, save for the young woman who sat behind the counter. An immensely bored expression on her face that melted away immediately when the girl caught sight of her. No doubt taking in the unorthodox appearance; undoubtedly female though dressed as a man, bandages peeking from her collar. A flush crept up Rin's neck, the fucking bandages were drawing too much attention for her liking. It was fine with her if her comrades saw them or even if the dignitaries of the Aizu clan oogled them; around them she could wear them as a badge of honor, the mark of a survivor, a fighter. But, out here, they were a show of weakness, vulnerability.

The young woman behind the counter cleared her throat, pulling Rin from her thoughts.

"Hello! My name's Suzuki Ayumi. How can I help you?" Pulling herself together, Rin said:

"Well, I've got some ill-fitting clothes here," She produced the bundle, setting it down on the counter. "One of them is for me and the others for a man, about nineteen, a bit shorter than me." The girl, Suzuki, examined the garment, a frown on her face.

"These things are made for a man with twice your shoulder-width."

"Tell me about it. It's a real pain in the ass"

"Anyway, it's possible, but it's probably the same price to get new ones. You'll find better quality work here, if I do say so myself." Rin grinned, picking up one of the uniforms:

"I need them done as quick as possible and I'm no expert ,but it's probably fastest to mangle these ones than to throw together new ones." Suzuki laughed good-naturedly, stepped out from behind the desk and motioned her client into the shop's backroom.

"You're right about that. Now get over here and we'll get your measurements." Rin followed the girl. Suzuki snatched up a measuring tape and stepped behind Rin. The latter went still as the dead, the ghost of a sword tearing through her again.

Rin whirled around, sliding into a defensive stance, to face the young woman standing behind her. Wrenching back her right shoulder, she felt a searing pain threatening to send her to the ground. She clutched her shoulder and dug her heels into the floor.

Suzuki's measuring tape was hanging loosely from her fingers, astonishment in her every feature.

"What was that? Are you okay?" Loosing a breath she wasn't even aware she was holding, Rin straightened herself out.

"I suppose you'd call it instinct. I can't say I like having people standing behind me." The seamstress smiled:

"Well, whatever the reason, I need your shoulder-width, arm-span and height." Rin, after a moment of hesitation, slowly turned her back to Suzuki. The seamstress carefully measured her from shoulder to shoulder then from head to toe.

"Spread your arms, side to side." Hesitantly, Rin brought her arms up sending a warning shock from her shoulder to the very tips of her fingers.

"I can't."

"Why not?" Rin slowly pulled her lapel down just enough to show off the strips of linen that bound her entire torso and most of her arm thought she only revealed the very edge of it.

"I've got a stab wound right where my arm connects to my body. Unsurprisingly, motion is just a wee bit difficult."

"I can work with just the length of one arm." For a moment, Suzuki was quiet. "Do you mind telling me how that happened?" Rin hesitated, how much should and could she tell this woman? Nothing about the Roshigumi, but maybe just the immediate circumstances? That should work.

"I was in the market, with two of my friends. Apparently, one of them had gotten into a bit of a disagreement with some disagreeable people. I got caught in the crossfire."

"How'd you get out of there? You must have lost consciousness."

"Souji found me a doctor, the little shit." Suzuki stepped out from behind her.

"Well, I've got what I need so come by in, let's say ... two days. You can pay then."

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