Chapter 39: Holey hands

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Rin threaded her way through the crowded marketplace, her hands pricked full of holes and a huge smile stretched ear to ear. Miss Shizuki had finally made good on her promise to teach her embroidery. The first few attempts had caused many bleeding fingers and bruised egos, but on try number seven, she'd finally manage to stitch a straight line. Small victories were still victories.

Toshi was looking for her. He was as unreadable as ever, so much so that it made her nervous.

"Rin, Sannan and I have been talking and we believe that we should start to pay attention to what is going on inside our walls as well as beyond. We need spies." She nodded. "We think that you'd be best suited to this job."

"I'm glad you asked. I'll have lots of fun with this," She said with a less than comforting smirk.

"This is a serious position."

"That's never stopped me before." Gaining back some of her seriousness, Rin asked:

"Will I be working alone?"

"You'll be working with Yamazaki and Shimada." Rin nodded and leant back against the wall. They seemed enough competent when she'd met them.

"I assume you've already talked to Serizawa about this?"

"Not yet, actually." Rin smiled brilliantly.

"Well, when you do, don't mention me. It'll make my job easier." Toshi frowned:

"That's a rather underhanded tactic isn't it?" Her lopsided grin crept onto her face.

"You're the one with the scruples, not me."



"Did you hear? They've made a new division!" Sano announced to Heisuke and Shinpatchi. Rin sat not far away, her tongue stuck out in concentration, needle in hand.

"Really? What for?" Shin asked.

"Some sorta spies, I think." Rin supplied, her finger stinging from her last attempt at a stitch. Sano looked at her questioningly. She gave him a wink and a knowing look. He nodded.

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