Chapter 4: I'm gonna regret that

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A/N: The weapon is Rin's naginata.

"Good morning Wifey."

"The fuck am I doing here?" She was so, so screwed.

"I don't know, I just assumed you were lonely." She didn't even have to open her eyes to know that Souji was smirking. AND this is what I get for letting my guard down around this son of a bitch. She half opened her eyes to see Souji's obnoxious smirk.

"Souji, I just woke up and I don't have enough self-restraint to not punch you in the face, so please, shut your trap." He shut up, but the mocking grin stayed plastered on his face. She groaned, rolled over and reluctantly got up. She stomped out of the room and went to the well. Washing her hands and face, Rin wondered how much she was going to regret falling asleep in Souji's room. Probably more that anyone should regret anything. Muttering to herself about idiots, she went to the kitchen to make some miso. She wasn't a star chef, but she could cook edible food, better than most of the dojo's other students. Once the food was done, she went back to Souji with a tray and a pile of fresh clothing.

"Eat your food and get changed. I'm doing laundry this afternoon. And don't forget to take your medicine, Toshi left us a lifetime supply of that disgusting stuff." She walked out before he could make a comment. Souji knew that Rin was restless and that she wanted out. Every day, he heard her training in the yard. The thwack of her naginata on the training post had been a constant reminder. He could relate. He was also getting bored of just sitting in bed and waiting to get better.


Rin's muscles burned and sweat dripped into her eyes. The cloth covered naginata struck the post over and over. Damn Toshi for dumping this on her. Not that she disliked Souji, but she was not good at self-control and Souji ... Souji could get under her skin quicker than most. Well, at least the guy's rashes were fading. Her grip slipped and the spear flew out of her grasp.

"GODS FUCKING DAMNIT!" Rin was done with this bullshit, so, so done.

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