Chapter 21: Are we intruding ... I think we're intruding ...

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They walked home in silence, fingers wound into a knot. Every step, their shoulders brushed together. To Rin, it almost seemed as if the very nature of their relationship was changing, from friendship to something she couldn't quite name. The cold wind hit her like a tonne of bricks, threatening to send a violent shiver up her spine. Suppressing it, she stepped closer to Souji, the only heat source in a twenty foot radius. He gave her a surprised glance, then dragged her into his side.

None of the people they'd been out with were back yet, leaving the estate mostly deserted. He walked her all the way to her door. And there, in that empty hallway, Rin gave herself the one inch boost she needed to brush her lips over Souji's cheek. She released his hand and closed the door before the dumbstruck man standing in front of it could say a word.

She slumped down, holding one had over her heart, feeling the wild pulsing in her chest. Something had definitely changed tonight; something inside her had snapped into place.


"We are here to keep the peace in Kyoto. And yet, he want's so kill. It's the only thing on his mind" Rin recoiled, under Toshi's harsh glare. She sould have kept her mouth shut. That would have been the smart thing to do. "We can't let someone like that stay." Rin watched in horror as Kondo-san's eye brows scrunched together, carefully considering Toshi's words. He was going to agree, she could already tell.


"NO! There's no way I'm going back! I'm going to stay and help you Kondo-san!" He turned on his heels and ran out. Kondo san made a motion t go after him.

What was it with Souji and stomping out anytime he didn't like where thing were going? She had half a thought to go after him, but no. This didn't actually involve her. Only Kondo-san, Souji and Toshi, though the latter didn't seem in a rush to fix the rip he'd made in their strange little family unite.

A/N: Sorry this is so short, I would write more, but I wanted to give you guys something, cause I know I haven't been updating as fast a I usually do and I sorry about that too.(Damnit! I'm play ing into the canadian stereotype but I'm actually sorry) See y'all next time!

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