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Darth Vader: Hm?

I've been thinking about that book on Tirithiel I'm gonna do- Fading Light. I may change the title, and I may actually only do a collection of short stories about her on my other account, but I'm not completely sure, yet... I'm just so awful at plots and all of that at times...

Darth Vader: Why not start off on the short stories first, then seeing where it takes you from there?

....THAT IS GENIUS! I'LL DO THAT!!!!! Thanks, Vader! *sips coffee out of my Kylo Ren coffee cup*

Darth Vader: *frowns a bit* No... problem...

What is it? *glances at coffee cup* Ooohhhh... Darthy, I've already told you that you have a special place in my heart! I also have a coffee cup in the shape of your helmet, and I use it far more than I do this one! Partly because this cup is huge and I don't drink that much coffee- but the big reason is because you're the special Sith!

Darth Vader: Then why is your lock and home screen on your phone my grandson? Well, grandson in the 'Disney Universe' of Star Wars. Technically, I have more grandchildren...

Yeah... Disney likes to mess things up... anyways! Answer to that is simple! I watched The Last Jedi for the first time last night, and Kylo Ren was finally better and not a complete kid with a lightsaber and anger issues! He still is somewhat, but not as bad, and I see good in him. And you know I'm a sucker for the villains that are in internal torment and know they need to change, yet don't want to... then finally do! Why do ya think I love you so much?! Besides the breathing, the awesome suit, the awesome cape, the awesome lightsaber, your awesome voice, and the awesome way you choke people, that is! ^+^

Darth Vader: You know, you really are about as creepy as Kylo Ren.

Yeah... I'm fairly certain you've mentioned this before, after I mentioned the reasons I love you so much! XD

Darth Vader: Probably. You repeat yourself a lot.

Yeah... and when it's about you, it's because you're SO AWESOME!

Kylo Ren: But we all know I have the better lightsaber.

Well.... you're lightsaber does look cool.... but you're never gonna be 'Darth Vader cool'- sorry, Ben!

Kylo Ren: *grumbles beneath his breath*

Darth Vader: So, are you going to watch 'How The Last Jedi Should Have Ended' by HISHE?

You know it! Sometimes today! I have a fireworks party to go to this evening, and may have to get busy soon, but I do plan on watching it sometime today! If not today, then definitely tomorrow! Anyways, time for me to hop off of here! Later! *leaves*

Kylo Ren: *turns to Vader* You've become such a... softie.

Darth Vader: I suppose I have. But, I am no longer blinded by darkness. At last, I see the light. It's about time you did, too, Disney Boy. *leaves after me*

Kylo Ren: *stands there in deep, thoughtful silence*

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