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To those who follow this account but not my second one, HELLO! I AM NOT DEAD!

Darth Vader: Not yet.

Um, that sounds creepy coming from you.

Darth Vader: I was referring to Crohn's.

Oh! And man, how new is Crohn's, or how old is my laptop? My laptop said it was an incorrect word! Ack!

Anyways, since some may read this book and others may not know my other account, Courage_Of_Hobbits (formerly ARC_Trooper_Courage) exists, I thought I would give y'all a story!

One day, I started to have severe abdominal pain. It was the WORST pain I honestly had ever felt! So, after a week of bloody diarrhea and vomiting, my mom took me to the doctor down the road a mile from our house, as walk-ins are welcome. They're pretty new, only recently opened!

Anyways, my mom and I had not realized how serious my condition had been. I turned out to have a fever, I was malnourished, and I had a heart rate in the 150's. So the doctor called the ER, I was taken there, put on oxygen, hooked to heart monitors, hooked up to IV's, and had a few tests done on me. One included a cat scan and an x-ray. Our pastor stopped by, so I got to see him when I was finished with the cat scan, and he prayed with Mom and I. I was really happy to see him, and even though up until that point I had NEVER seen a doctor (as in never in my life except for the day I was born), I was at peace with it. I had peace that passed understanding, and I know God is to thank for that.

After Pastor left, I was taken upstairs to a hospital room, which was only one room away from where my dad had been before he died. So I thought that was pretty cool! I was given an ultrasound of my heart, before then I was given a midline, and lemme tell ya, those things HURT! They had to get an ultrasound of my arm so they could find a vein because not only are my veins small, but I was SO dehydrated. The midline, I kid you not, left a bruise on nearly my entire "elbow-pit". I was given an endoscope, and the GI Doctor thought I had colitis caused by a virus. Acute colitis.

After more tests and being in the hospital for eight days, I was given one bag of blood (I found out that I'm O positive! Yes, most common blood type, but it was unexpected because I thought since both of my parents were A positive, I would be, too, but we found out that that's not the case! Anyways, I was given a unit of blood, then at eleven PM, I finally got to go home!

Yesterday, I had a colonoscopy done, and we found out that I have Crohn's Disease. It's rare, it's chronic, not much is known about it (though enough is known about it to know how to keep it from flaring up), and so many things make sense now. It stunts growth! And it causes malnourishment, fatigue, and so many other things that I had been experiencing. The pictures of my colon look so nasty... blegh!

Cool thing is that I'm not on any specific diet! The GI Doctor said my gut will let me know what I can or can't have, so that's cool. I can't really have coffee, though it has been over a month since I've had it, so I'm not sure if  the affect would be the same. Even decaf caused diarrhea, so I may just avoid coffee altogether and stick with hot chocolate. I also cannot have carbonated drinks often, but every once in awhile I should be able to have it. If it causes a flare up, then I'll know for sure whether or not I can have it.

Anyways, a lot has been going on! XD Today, I've got stomach cramps again, but I think it's leftover from all the prepping I had to do for my colonoscopy. No food, three 32 ounce bottles of Gatorade, with laxatives. I got one bottle down, but it was enough, thank the Lord! XD

Anywho... yeah. That's what's been up.

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