5. Sixteen

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And she stood there

Fascinated, intrigued, captivated

By the doorway

As the corridor shone bright. 

She just stood there

The door ajar

In the balcony

With her Bud in her hand.

And those big brown eyes

Looked up at the sky

And, while the moon smiled back at her

Her face contorted, as if she was about to cry

With the whiteness of the moon

Reflecting back in those brown

A tear rolled down her cheek

And clutching her teddy tight

Spoke she, in a voice so meek 

"Everybody says it,

But I don't want to believe

I know it, and I know it for sure

You are here with me.

I don't care

About what they say

It's my Sixteenth

Won't you be here, at least today?

I am small, and I need you

You can't just leave me and go

It's a big world outside

And I need you here, don't you know?

Left all alone now

It's not fair, can't you see?

They say you're up there, in the stars somewhere;

But I miss you Mummy, Daddy."


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