16. A Fine Mess

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As I sit there, I watch them walking past me

Another day, I will make it through today

Through crowds and crowds of them

There's no one out there who actually knows the real me

The words suffice for the feelings within

And the feelings hide the fear buried deep

For one day when they will come and get me

A fine mess, that's what I'll be

Running through meadows and gliding through the skies

I'd thought you'll come and get me by

But there seems to be some mistake somewhere

In the book of happiness, my name must have been missed I swear

A matter of laughing, it has become

I fear one of these days people might start calling me insane

Since alone I stay, alone I be

My life has become all about me

They're worried

I'm moving too fast, they say

Running, it seems

I'll fall they say

But they don't know how much harder I want to run

Use them, jump around or stick by

How does it matter now

Their words are just as hollow as they are

A fine mess I've become, but who bothers

So I want to run and never look back

Leave that bend in the road and leave no last chances

Let it all wither away

And just let me be

I like who I am now

A fine mess I was but I don't care anymore

My hearts still beating, and am still living

And I don't need another you to kill me

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