2: Pink Cotton Candy

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"Park Jimin! Can you even listen to your mom?!" Mrs Park shouted to his son who is typing aggressively on his laptop. Jimin looks up and raised his eyebrow arrogantly

"What now mom?" He muttered and continued doing his work

"As I were saying, in a week, you will be-"

"Babyyyyyyy" A girl bursted into Jimin's office and made an annoying cute voice. Jimin looks up almost immediately and smiled sweetly to the girl

"Miyoung ah! My jagi" He ran to her and gave her a hug

"Did you have a hard day?" She asked cutely and Jimin nodded with his lips pouting. Mrs Park crossed her arms and rolled her eyes

"Oh? Mrs Park? Didn't see you there. I need your son now. Bye!" Miyoung said and grabbed Jimin who was willingly following where she goes

"Baby, I heard Gucci was releasing a new product, can you buy it for me?"

"Of course"

Mrs Park scoffed when she heard that. She ran after them who just went out of the office and dragged Jimin back in then slammed the door in front of Miyoung's face

"Mom! What are you doing?!" Jimin asked when he saw his mom locking the door

"Now son, I want you to break up with her"

"As usual mom, my answer is no" He smirked

"How many times did I tell you that she doesn't love you! She is just using your money!" She said desperately

"Mom! You cant accuse Miyoung for using my money! It is me who wanted to buy those for her!"

"But she asked for it"

"I couldn't just say no?" He shrugs and was about to open the door when his mom stopped him again

"Son, you leave me no choice"

"What now?"

"You. Park Jimin will be officially married to Cha Haemi next week exactly on this day and I dont take a no as an answer" She said and Jimin frozed. He was looking at his mom with disbelief

"Who on earth is Cha Homi?! No! I dont want to! Now go and cancel the marriage!" Jimin shouted

"Your father and I already discussed about this" She said and opened the door. Revealing a fuming Miyoung who heard their conversation "And oops, sorry. We already announced the date to the media" She laughed and walked out of the office. Leaving the two of them in shock

"In your faces" she muttered and walks away after flashing a happy smile to one of the worker

"Baby are you going to leave me?" Miyoung asked with a pout. Trying her best to pretend to cry

"Nonono jagiya, please I'll discuss this with my parents.. Just wait" He said and kissed her lips


"Dad I wont accept this. I wont marry this Cha Homi-urgh whatever her name is. I love Miyoung and that's it" Jimin stomped on his feet stubbornly

"You do love Miyoung but the question is, Does she love you?" His dad said and he went quiet for a while

"Of course she loves me!"

"Are you sure she loves you, and NOT your money?" His dad points out and Jimin went quiet again

"see?" Mr Park lifted his pen and points it to his son

"But that Homi girl doesn't love me too?" Jimin sighed

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