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1 unread message from Song Jaerim <3

Haemi furrowed her eyebrows and unlock her phone to read the message

Song Jaerim<3: Honey! Where are you?! 3 days passed and I haven't receive any news from you :(

She laughed at the way he called her -he always call her that in chats- and her hand swiftly types on the screen to reply. Little did she know that Jimin actually saw that

Me: Ayo Baby! Im in the hospital why aren't you visiting?

Song Jaerim <3: Haha funny. Your jokes are getting funnier I actually choked on my popcorns

Me: You ate popcorns without me?!

Song Jaerim <3: Sorry sweetie. You know I love them

Me: I hate the fact that you love popcorns more than me

Song Jaerim <3: But I still love you~ ❤️

She laughed again and Jimin couldn't stop being curious. He is thinking deeply whether he should just ask or what

Me: But srsly tho. Im in the hospital

Song Jaerim <3: Wait you aren't kidding? Why didn't I know about this?

She furrowed her eyebrows and start typing but immediately cut cut off with her husband's voice.

"Haemi yah~" Jimin waddled to her and she immediately switch off her phone


"Why did you switch off your phone?" He pouted cutely and the girl laughed nervously

"N-nothing?!" Her voice was slightly higher and that made the boy raised an eyebrow

"I-I mean there's nothing interesting. Uh. I'll go meet Hyebin" She stood up but he stopped her by grabbing her crutches

"Give me your phone" He demanded. His eyes were slightly different from the cute ones just now

"And what if I say no?"


Yeonju was skipping her way to Hyebin's room with Jungkook beside her. She bumped into him at the convenient store and Jungkook said that he actually wants to meet Hyebin too so they walked together.

There was a lollipop in her mouth because she felt like eating it after promising the little girl to buy her some candies and more sweets until she felt her pocket vibrated


The girl stopped in her tracks and fished out her phone to read the message before taking a sit on a nearby bench

Jungkook just eyed her weirdly before taking a sit beside her

2 unread messages from Jae

She gulped and opened the unread messages

Jae: Yeonju where is Haemi?

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