24: How?

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"Haemi. I really dont like to be a burden to others" Her mom stated while looking at Hyebin playing happily at the playground with her new friends

"What do you mean mom?"

"I mean, my friend's family.." She started off and Haemi looks down to her new scar she received this morning on the back of her palm

"didn't you say you saved them?"

"But still, Their son is still young. We dont want him to spend his life by helping us here and there. And most importantly, if he have to use money on us. I just dont like it" She looks at her daughter and the young girl gulped

"You know Haemi? I become insecure because of you stepfather's comment. I know it is childish for me to actually listen to what he said but there was this one most hurtful and truest word ive heard from him. Lets not talk about it hm? It was 3 years ago, and it still effected me so much" She trembled and tears were welling up her eyes. Haemi held her hand and sighed helplessly seeing her mom like this

"Its okay mom, Dont worry, you were never a burden to Hyebin and I" She smiled

"I know he said that words to you, right Haemi?" She asked in a croaked voice and Haemi just smiled sadly. Letting the silence be her answer

"Haemi can you do me a favour?" She looks at the girl after a long silence and the young girl hummed in respond

"What is it mom?"

"Dont let the son fall in love with you. Get a divorce as soon as our case is done" She cupped her daughter's face before saying

"Lets not be a burden to anyone's life"

<End of flashback>



Jimin puts his head onto Yoongi's chest and continued crying. Her words hurt him so bad until he couldn't even breath properly. His 5 friends except for hoseok -he was late due to some business-just look at him with pity. Ignoring the other customers looking at him weirdly in the restaurant which is located two blocks from the hospital

"Shh Jimin, she was just angry.. She doesn't mean that" Yoongi pats his head and he cried softly into his chest

"I've never seen Jimin hyung this broken before" Jungkook mumbled and Taehyung nodded in agreement

"Hobi is here- hey whats wrong?" Hoseok came and looks at his friends. His once loud voice turned into a soft one when he saw Jimin crying into Yoongi's chest

"Hyung she doesn't love me" Jimin lifted his head up and said with a croaked voiced. He was really broken hearted and Hoseok felt the urge to hug him. So he did

"Awh my baby brother what actually happened?"

"She wants a divorce. She wants a freakin divorce and marry her bestfriend whom I hate so much because he keeps on trying to steal her from me" He muffles

"And he succeeded on doing it" He cried again

"Shh.. Stop that crying. It wont solve anything" He pats his soft hair and Jimin was hugging him with his dear life

"Jimin, lets make her fall with you hm?" Seokjin suggested and his once cry turns into sniffles

"I tried.. But she kept on bring up the divorce thing. She said she promised my mom to leave me. I never wanted that after knowing her true self. I love her. I love her so much that it actually scares me" Tears were escaping his eyes as soon as he broke the hug

"Why did she made such promises?"

"I-I dont know"

"Hear this, some promises are meant to be break. Just like how we have to break some rules to gain success. Now, go and win her heart. You can do it!" Namjoon said and some nodded in agreement


"Jimin, what did moana do when her father told her never went to the sea?"

"Uh.. she actually did went to the sea?"

"And what happened after she went to the sea?"

"Er.. she saved her Island?"

"Now, What did elsa do when her late father told her not to let others know about her ice power?"

"Huh?" The younger boy tilted his head

"I mean she was told to "conceal, dont feel, dont let them know" about her ability to make snows come out from her hands and legs? what happened after that?"

"She turned the whole town into ice. She did what she was not told to do"

"And what happened in the end?"

"She can actually control her power"

"See? I told you we have to break some promises and rules to gain success" Namjoon said and Jimin just nodded. Namjoon facepalmed when he didn't get the message he was trying to give

"So what should you do when Haemi said she wants a divorce?"

"Um.. Make her fall in love with me so that she wont sign the papers?"

"So what should you do now?"

The boy pouted and he looks at the ceiling -a habit he do whenever he starts thinking- and finally realised what should he do "Make her fall in love with me!" He said with his eyes full of ambition

"What are you waiting now? Go! Make her fall in love with you before its too late"

"Yes.. make her fall in love with me" He stood up and wiped his tears "Make her fall in love with me!" The boy ran out of the restaurant and Namjoon smiled proudly before sipping on his drink

"Did you have to bring up Moana and Frozen in this?" Yoongi raised an eyebrow before sipping on his drink and the boy shrugged

"Man.. I am never too old for disney"


"Make her fall in love with me" He pants as soon as he stood in front of the room they shared in this hospital. Suddenly the boy halted himself from sliding the door open when he realised something

"Wait.. And how should I do that?" He stood there with a blank face on until he turned his heels and ran back to the restaurant


"Eh? why did you come back?" Taehyung asked. His mouth is full of meat

"I realised something important" He mumbled and looks down

"What is it?"

"Can you help me?" He swayed his body from side to side cutely while looking at his shoes


"How do I make her fall in love with me?"

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