10: Cry

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"Argh I'm stressed! Jae what should I do?" Haemi gulped on her drink angrily and Jaerim just raised an eyebrow

"I think whatever is Hyebin planning with your mom, Mrs Park and Mr Park is for both of your own good" He shrugs

"But. Jaerim think. Hyebin is just 6 years old! She doesn't know anything. Think Jae.. think"

"Hyebin is smarter than you know. She can already answer divide and multiply questions"

"What math has to do with this?!"

"Well. I dont know. But from what I know, she is smarter than you" Haemi took a napkin and threw it to his face but unfortunately it fell on the table

"Why am I even talking to you?" She puts her head on the table and sighed

"I mean. Hyebin is smart-"

"You dont have to repeat it a thousand times! I understand!"

"Can you wait me to finish first?" He said and she looks up

"Hyebin have lived in a messy surrounding. I mean.. she saw you got abused and saw your dad abusing you. Her mind already started planning how to escape. But your mind only think about how to prevent Hyebin from getting abused.. until you never think of how to escape. So Hyebin did that role without you noticing"

Jaerim said and Haemi looks down. Everything he said was true. Haemi didn't thought of how to escape. She only wanted to protect Hyebin from their stepfather's abuse

"Did you realise that now?" Jaerim asked and she nodded slowly. Still not making any eye contact with him

"Here. Let me give you a warm hug" He stretched his arm and the girl hugged him.

"Thanks" She mumbled as he pats her back

"Its okay. Just know that whatever Hyebin is planning, it is for both of your own good" He said and continued patting her back until he felt someone pulling both of them off each other

"What on earth is happening?"


He stood there beside Miyoung and looked at both of them furiously

"So you came here to be touchy touchy with this boy?" Jimin asked and she rolled her eyes

"Excuse m-"

Jaerim was cut off with a punch


"YAH PARK JIMIN!" Haemi looks at her husband angrily and crouched down to Jaerim. She cupped his cheeks and sighed when she saw blood on his lips

"What is wrong with you?!" She stood up

"What is wrong with me? What is wrong with you! You are married yet here you are with another man! What are you? A slut?!" He shouted and went silent when Haemi slapped him. Haemi was crying and ran to the kitchen leaving the three of them there

"Dude stop talking bad about her. We were just hugging. Note that. Hugging. Thus, we were hugging when this cafe is on a break. I saw both of you kissing in public you know? See the difference? You didn't know how hard her day was and you made it worst" Jaerim stood up and walked to the kitchen after the girl

"She's a crybaby. Leave her." Miyoung said and linked her arm with his then dragged him out of the cafe. Jimin just bit his lips in guilt

Take care of her, son. She had suffered enough


"Haemi yah.."

"Hm?" She wiped her tears and answered in a croaked voice

"Are you okay?"

"I am the one who supposed to ask you that. Are you okay?" She stood up and examined his face. He was just quiet. To be honest he is hurt. Jimin was wearing his wedding ring after all.

"Come here" She pats the seat beside her after getting the first aid box and he sat there obediently

"Sorry about that human just now. I know that he is tired" She said and start cleaning the wound

"This might hurt a bit"


"Geez stop being a baby and hold the pain" She muttered and he rolled his eyes

"What do you mean by he is tired? He literally just shot you with his words" Jaerim asked again

"Well, he have works to do. He have to take care of Miyoung. She is a very annoying type of girl. Then he have to play with Hyebin cause she said that she is tired playing with me all the time. And on top of that, I exist in his life"


"Jaerim. I am just a burden in everyone's life. You see. If I didnt tell my dad to come to my ballet performance years ago, maybe our stepfather wont force my mom to marry him and abused us. If I didn't exist in Jimin's life, maybe he will be happy with Miyoung right now. I am just burdening Yeonju and you right now. And now, I am even a burden to Mr and Mrs Park because they had to settle my own problems" She cried and Jaerim cups her cheek

"Shh.. dont think that. Everything that is happening must have something good in the future. We never know" He whispered and she hugs him

"Lets think positive and never think of that again" He pats her back and she just cried silently

Little did they know that Jimin is actually crying while hearing their conversation behind the wall that separates the kitchen and the counter?

Jimin took a deep breath and ran out of the cafe but suddenly made the bell on the door rang

"Who's that?" Jaerim asked and Haemi shrugs. Both of them walked outside and looks at the door confusedly when they saw no one was in there

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