11: Awkward

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"Stupid. Why are you crying?" His bestfriend asked and he just smiled sadly

"Hyung I dont even know. I feel bad" Yoongi shoved a fishball in his mouth and chewed it slowly while looking at Jimin

"Yes. You should. You are the wrong one here. You should protect her not destroy her-"

"Stop making me feel guilty!"

"Fine. But she is your wife after all. Not Miyoung. I hate Miyoung by the way. I dont ship both of you" He sips on his drink and Jimin just glared at him

"What should I do?"

"Apologise? Duh?"

"What if she doesn't want to see me?"

"Erm.. then.. In your face HAHAHA"

"Hyung!" He shouted and everyone was looking at them. Both of them bowed their heads a bit and continued talking when no attention was on them.

"Hey-" Yoongi was cut off with a call from Jimin's phone

"Wait a sec"

He pressed on the green button and put the phone on his ear

"Hello mom?"

"Son! We can win Haemi's father"


"Hyebin's video clips are very useful. We just need to settle when's the date the father and the daughter will meet at court. But I promise it wont be easy."

"Huh? Why? We just need to say that we need to meet him at court"

"That's what I think too but your father said we must take it slow. He might do anything if he doesn't like the idea of letting both of his stepdaughters go."

"Did you told Haemi about this?" He glanced at Yoongi who was looking outside the mirror and cleared his throat

"Not yet. You tell her okay? I'm busy. Bye!"

"Wait- Mom! Mom!" He looks at his phone and groaned

"Argh she ended the call!" Jimin shouted and Yoongi looks at him with his confused face

"What are you looking at?" Jimin asked. Yoongi just rolled his eyes

"So Jimin. As I was saying before you got that call.." Yoongi trailed off and looks at somewhere outside the window again. Jimin did the same and he frowns

"Who's that?" Yoongi asked. Pointing at the guy beside Haemi with his straw.


"Oh you know him?" He asked again earning a nod from the younger boy

"Then why aren't you doing anything?"

"Why should I? Let her be with some other boy. I got Miyoung" Jimin shrugs and sips on his drink while looking at the two humans hiding behind a bush "Why are they even hiding there tho?"

"Ah.. They were spying on these two other humans"


"Miyoung and this other boy" Yoongi snickered and Jimin choked on his drink


"Well Miyoung was kissing this other boy and that Jaerim guy saw it so he dragged Haemi to follow them. I dont know what are they planning tho but it is like a silent movie" He laughed and continued watching the scene outside the restaurant "Haha I like this"

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