19: Hospital

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"Yeonju Unnie what took them so long??" Hyebin cried. Yeonju crouched down and tried not to cry looking at her bestfriend's sister looking so heartbroken

"Let's stay strong Hyebin ah and wish for the best" She pats her hair and gave the girl a lollipop -her favourite- to soothe her

Yeonju then walked to the police car and saw two police officers, talking with the other two detectives.

"Excuse me? Uh Dont you think Jimin is taking too much time in there?" The four of them looks at the at the same time and she gulped

"Hi! I am Taehyung. Detective Tae or V. You can call me whatever sounds nice" He showed his box smile

"Uh.. I am.. Jungkook.. Uh.. Officer Jeon?"

"That is detective Namjoon and I am Officer Jung Hoseok! Nice to meet you" He danced happily and she backed away

"Hey the girl was talking about Jimin" Namjoon said and the others went silent

"May I know your relationship with him?" Taehyung asked. Suddenly being serious

"Uh.. I am Jimin's wife's friend?" She grinned awkwardly and the four looks at her weirdly

"Can you say it in a more understandable language?"

"Er.. My friend is Jimin's wife"

"Still dont understand"

"Geez! Haemi, who is Park Jimin's wife, Is my best friend!" She explainedin an annoyed tone and they nodded. understood what is she trying to say


"Dont you think Jimin is taking too much time in there??"

"Oh chillax.. we know Jimin so well.. He is going to be fine" Hoseok shrugs and the others nodded in agreement

"Look.. There he is" Jungkook points at the shadow that is coming from the burning house

"Unnie!" Hyebin ran to her and to her horror, her sister was not moving. Her eyes was closed

"Jiminie Oppa! What is wrong with unnie?!" Hyebin asked and Jimin realised that she passed out. He puts her down slowly in panic and start cupping her face

"Baby.. We are out now.. We are safe.. Wake up" He shook her body but she wasn't responding. Then Jungkook walks to them with his hands on his hips

"Hyung.. She lost too many blo-"

A loud explosion from the house cuts him off. He immediately hid Hyebin -who was near the house- and hugged her. Preventing her to get more hurt and Jimin did the same to his wife

"Jungkook what are you doing?! Call the ambulance!" He cried. Soon the other three came to him and look at the lifeless girl in Jimin's arm. Namjoon crouched down beside the crying boy and puts his finger on Haemi's neck

"She's fine. But still weak. Like Jungkook said, she lost too many blood. We need to go to the hospital now" He informed but all of them are still frozen in their place

"What are you doing?! My friend is dying!" Yeonju shouted. All of them look at her and sighed

"It is hard for us to bring her there" Hoseok explained


"First, Calling the ambulance is just a waste of time. This place is too far" Namjoon explained

"Then we ran out of vehicles. Three police cars were used to take the old man and his slaves to the police station. Now we only got two" Taehyung said again

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