36: Descision

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"No Mama No! I dont want to go back" The girl groaned in frustration and pinched the bridge of her nose. Hyebin was silently watching her pacing back and forth in her room from the door

"But sweetie Hyebin said she had a hard time there"

"Mama She can go Korea alone!"

"Sweetie who will take care of her?"

"Mom that's he use of staffs. They will be there for her"

"Come back hm? Jimin needs you"

The girl furrowed her eyebrows and scoffed silently

"Mama first you want me to fly here away from there and now you want me to come back and be with him? I-I dont understand?"

"I'm sorry dear. I wasn't aware that you love hi- Lets talk about this when you got back here hm? I already told Yeonju to book your tickets and your flight is on 12 October. See you soon sweetheart"

The girl threw her phone on the bed and jumped on it. She groans in confusion and start kicking the blankets



The little girl came in and hopped on her bed.

"What did mama said?"

"none of your business" She sighed and the girl pouted

"When is our flight?"

"In two days"


"Hyung what do you want on your birthday??" Jungkook asked trying to lighten up the mood but the boy was quiet and continued doing his work.

Since the day she left him, Just like how Seokjin said, a smile was never ever formed on his face. Never. Oh except the one when Taehyung snorted on his milk and made them came out from his nose. Just a slight smile. Except that, no. His friend noticed how gloomy their group are after the once cheery and happy boy went down.

His smoking habits got decreased because the boys hid his cigarettes. Oh.. also. The fact that he worked himself to the bones and rarely eats is still there with him. He survived by only drinking and the food that the boys forced him to eat. He was loosing too many weights. Even now, they are eating at a restaurant and the boy still bring his work with him.

But one thing never change since the day she left. As soon as he lay himself on his bed, he will grab their picture under his pillow and cried himself the whole night until he fell asleep. He missed her.

He missed her so bad

"Hyung?" Jungkook snapped his finger but went silent when he saw a tear dropped from the older boy's eyes.

"Jimin ah.." Yoongi groaned. He was sick seeing his baby brother like this. Suddenly crying and then pretended that nothing happened

"I-I'm sorry.. I-it just came out out of nowhere" He wiped his tears and continued working

"So what do you want for your birthday?" He looks up to see his friends looking at him expecting something but he just flashed his poker face

I want her



"Honey I missed you so much" Jaerim ran to her and gave her a warm hug. The girl chuckled before handing her luggage to Yeonju. Who just accepted it with an eye roll

"I was gone for 3 weeks. Chill"

"Jae Oppa only miss Haemi Unnie?" Hyebin pouted and hugged her blue teddy bear tight

"Oh baby I miss you the most! That's why I hugged your Unnie first, I want to give you a much more longer one" He lifted up the girl and puts her on his shoulder. "Let's go get ice cream"



"Mama! Mom! Dad! Youre all here!" Hyebin chirped and engulfed the three of them into a big hug. Haemi hesitates to get out of the car when she saw her parents in law. Well, her leave to America was the cause of their son's condition right now

"Im.. home" She breathed out before giving them a bow

"Come in dear, we have things to discuss with you" Mr Park said and she gulped in nervous. A pat from Yeonju calmed her down a bit and she cleared her throat before getting into the house

"So how was America?" Mrs Park asked as soon as they all are seated

"It was fine"

"You know you are still his wife right?" She asked again and she nodded slowly

"Sorry excuse us" Jaerim stood up when he noticed where is this going and dragged both Yeonju and Hyebin out of the house

"Haemi. Do you love Jimin?" The three of them looks at her and she gulped before nodding again. but this time it was slower

"Yes, I do love him.. I-I do love him so much"

"Then why did you not wanting to come back?"

"I-I.." She sighed before finding words to express her feelings. "I want him to be free. I want him to be happy without me. I left him without saying goodbyes and I kept on hurting him. I'm aware that I am hurting him but.. I'm just too toxic for him. He probably hates me now" She teared up and heaved a sigh

"Haemi, I don't understand why are you saying that you are toxic in his life?"

"Mrs Par-"

"Mom" She corrected her

"M-mom.. Can't you see? I treat him so bad yet he still wants to be with me? I don't deserve him. He deserves better"

"Haemi. Hear this. Our son wants you. He made it clear to every each and one of us. He only wants you. What if the one he deserved which you said is better than you couldn't make him happy like how you make him happy? You love him right?" Mr Park said and she went quiet

She looks at her mom and the middle aged woman smiled happily before mouthing "Go after him"

"We didnt tell Jimin you are here. So think carefully before making a decision okay? We will go now" Both Mr and Mrs Park stood up and left the house

"You must be tired, Go wash up and sleep. Its 7 pm already" Her mom said and she nodded. She was really tired. She didn't sleep at all during the flight. Unlike her sister, That's why she is so energetic with Yeonju and Jaerim

"I'll try to make the best decision"

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