32: The Plan

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Haemi chanted in her head while trying to pack her things without Jimin noticing. She peeked her husband from his office door and tip toed to her room -which is across Jimin's office- as quiet as she can

"Baby, what are you doing?"

She froze and gave him a flustered smile. Standing up straight and puts her hand behind her back

"I thought it will be uncomfortable for you to work when you door is wide open like this" She smiled sheepishly and tried to close the door but got cut off by her husband

"Nope. I like to open it wide. So leave it" He said and puts down his pen. Making Haemi think what kind of excuse she could make now to go into her room. She knew Jimin will ask her thousands of questions

"Where are you going?" He asked again

"My room"


"Im tired. I wanna sleep"

"But its 10 am"

"Uh.. I had to serve a lot customers yesterday" She laughed nervously but her smile faltered when she heard Jimin's next word

"And you slept at 7 pm yesterday, then wake up at 8 in the morning"

Why is going into my own room is so hard?

"Come here" Jimin said and the girl walk lazily into his office


"I know from your eyes, You are not tired at all. Not when you are a morning person" He chuckled before eyeing the girl that stands beside his chair. Reading blankly at his documents

"Here" He pats on his laps and the girl just scrunched he nose then shook her head, Making Jimin pulled her wrist and she sat on his laps forcefully

"W-what do you want now?" She stuttered when she felt the boy wrapping his arm around her waist. She felt herself warming up from his sudden backhug

"I need to charge my battery"

"Then go to sleep"

"I prefer this way" He said and Haemi coughed

"H-hey.. What is this? How do you work with these things?" She lifted a paper and Jimin puts his chin on her shoulder. Trying to look what is she talking about

"Read. And try to think a solution so that you wont regret the rest of your life. Or maybe try to make new ideas" He inhaled his wife's scent and closed his eyes in pleasure when the scent went into his nose

"I-I need to go to my room now. I w-want to take my phone" She stuttered when she sensed that he wont let go of her anytime soon

"But you have your phone here" He easily fished her phone from her pocket and threw it on the table on front of them before sighing "Are you hiding something from me?" He asked. His eyes are dull at the fact that the girl sitting on his laps keeps on giving him excuses when he just wanted to cuddle with her

"Im not"

"Then why are you avoiding me these days?" He intertwined his hand with hers before playing with her wedding ring with his other hand

"I'll just go to my room hm? I need to go out after this. So I have to settle some things first"

"Going out again? But you already did yesterday! Why are you so busy after you case is finished? Aren't you supposed to be relaxed and happy with me right now?" He whined

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