32: Memories

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The girl tiptoed her way to the stairs but almost screamed when a furious Jimin slammed her to the wall

"Where did you freaking go?!" He growled. His once sweet smile was nowhere to be seen and Haemi knew this time it was her fault but she kept quiet

"You didnt even answer your phone! You were not even at Yeonju's. Or even at the cafe! Where on earth were you?! You promised me not to be late but look at the time now! Its freaking 3 am!" He huffed furiously before raking his hair back. Trying to control his anger

"Answer me.. please" He suddenly hugs her but Haemi kept quiet. Afraid that the plan will be ruined once she open her mouth. "please, just tell me where you were. I'm worried" He whispered but still, no answer


Instead, the girl just pushed him slightly and start climbing up the stairs. Knowing that her actions just made his heart crushed into pieces. He ran to her and grabbed her wrist before she went in her room. Making her turned to face him forcefully

"I waited for you for your explanation. Please dont treat me like this. Tell me. What did I do wrong this time? Please.. Please dont make me feel like this. Please.." He begged. Haemi's heart ached seeing him like this. But she shouldn't feel this way. Not when she will leave him for good soon

"Jimin.. please" She loosened the boy's grip on her wrist and pulled her hand slowly before continuing "Im tired. I want to sleep" She said then turned around to get in her room. Slamming the door in his face and he tried so hard to think positively

Maybe she had a hard day. She'll be fine soon. Right?

He shook his head and clutched on his chest while walking to his office to do his work, His heart hurts so much from the way she treated him and maybe, just maybe, working will help him ease the pain.

He sat down on his chair and his stomach grumbles. That was when he realised he didn't eat since the breakfast his wife made before she went out the house. He sighed and grabbed his pen. Not having any intention of eating because of no appetite

Meanwhile his wife is laying on her bed. Feeling like garbage for treating him like that. He even waited her for her explanation but she just ignored her.

2 more days. You will over it soon


The next morning, Haemi woke up at 7. Peeking her head at Jimin's office when she saw the lights are still on. She opened the door slowly and her heart ached seeing him in that condition

His head was lying down on the table. His pen is still in his fingers while the papers are scattering everywhere. Even on the floors. She sighed and tried stopping herself from waking him up to tell him to sleep at his room but nope. She cant. Not when she saw how pale his face were when he stirred in his sleep

She walked towards him and sighed before picking up the papers that is scattering on the floor. She then puts it on the table before shaking his body slowly and called his name

"Jimin ah"

"Haemi baby please forgive me" He mumbled in his sleep and she went frozen. She took a deep breath before trying to wake him up again

"J-Jimin ah.. you're gonna hurt sleeping like this" She shook his body again making him stirred a bit in his sleep before sitting down and rubbed his eyes. His eyes were puffed and she could sense that he was crying last night

"Im already hurt" He mumbled before taking the girl's palm and puts it on his chest. "Here"

He looks down for a while and stood up. Suddenly ringing the girl into a tight embrace and sniffed

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