20: Pain

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"Jimin ah"


Both of them are lying next facing each other. Even though they are in separate beds, both of them felt happy. Especially Jimin. Oh.. except the fact that its already 2 am yet Haemi is still wide awake. He was closing his eyes while hearing the girl's talk

"How did you manage to know where we were?"

"Let's sleep hm?"

"I told you. I cant."

"And why is that? You haven't told me why" He asked and the girl sat down. Pressing on her lips and shaking her head multiple times slowly

"I.. can't.." She starts sobbing and Jimin's eyes immediately fluttered open when he heard a sniff


"I just cant" She cried. "What did you expect? I am traumatised with this place and you know that. I can just run away to wherever I am if this leg can walk well. No. I will just run away even though this leg hurts! Can't you get it? I dont want you to sleep! I might run away and start burdening you guys to find me again!" She looks on her broken fingers. Jimin walked to her bed as fast as he could and hugged her. Trying to calm her down

"This place terrifies me" She said before leaning on his chest

"I'm sorry. I should've knew. I'm so sorry" Jimin mumbled as he patted her back

"All I ever do is burdening you guys" She said in muffles and hugged the boy tighter

"Shh dont say that.. Just.." He sighed before continuing "I'll make you sleep"

"Huh? How?"

"Story time?"

The girl nodded and gasped when Jimin pulled her down with him on the bed.

"Jimin what are yo-"


"But this is not oka-"

"It is okay, Im your husband"


"Once upon a time-"

"I dont want to hear that, Id rather hear how you find out where we were"

"Uh.. okay" He heaved a deep breath and patted the girl's hair softly

"So when both of you went to the store, I saw a black van zooming out of the station realllyyyy fast." He purposely talk with his soft voice so that the girl can fall asleep easily

"Then I memorised the plat number for.. uh.. who knows when I see the van later in the future, I can purposely slow down my car so the driver cant move fast" He smiled when he heard the girl giggled softly

"When I realised the vehicle that bought you two was a black van -which is the one I saw- I decided to call my friends to track it. When I arrived at the police station, they said the van was unregistered and it was heading deep in the forest"

"We decided to follow it. With Yeonju of course. She is your best friend after all-"

"How about Jaerim? He is my bestfriend too" She mumbled innocently and felt Jimin clenched his fist behind her back

"But the place you two got kidnapped was very far so we took a lot of time" He ignored her "Suddenly Hyebin called me" He closed his eyes remembering what happened during the call

"Jiminie Oppa" The little girl cried softly


"Oppa help.. Unnie is upstairs. She is getting hit again. More worse" She whispered and Jimin could hear his wife screaming in pain

"Hyebin relax.. Take a deep breath.. We are on our way. Yeonju Unnie is here too" He calm her down but felt his heart drop when he heard the screams stopped

"Oppa come here faster! Unnie stopped screaming! She fainted. Or more, she died alre-"

"Hyebin dont say that. Your sister is a strong girl.. She can handle this" He said painfully and signalled Jungkook, who is leading all the police car to drive faster

"Opp-" The little girl was cut off with a scream from her own mouth

"What are you doing?! Are you trying to call for help?!" The old man's voice sounded

"No father! I promise!"

"You think I will believe a trash like you?!"

"Unnie!" He heard the phone fell on the ground and sounds of footsteps running

"Father! What did you do to Haemi Unnie?!" The girl cried. Jimin just heard everything silently

"You should be thankful I haven't kill her. But I will. Soon" He laughed and Jimin could feel his blood boiling. His hand were gripping on the phone very tight and his veins are popping out

"What did Unnie ever do to yo- AHHH"

And suddenly the call ended. Jimin checked his phone and there was no signal. He groaned in frustration and raked his hair furiously.

"Faster Jungkook" He said with a scary voice and the boy just nodded in fear.

"I heard you screaming in pain when Hyebin called" He said and the girl flinched a bit

"Jimin. I.. I.." She sighed when she felt the boy's head slumped on her shoulder tiredly

"You dont need to say anything. I will try to.." He gulped painfully and the girl furrowed her eyebrows

"Try what?"

"Shoot I hate to say this so bad" He mumbled again

"Jimin say it faster. I am sleepy" The girl yawned and stretched her arms. Thinking that what the boy say is not really important

"I will try to.." He arched his head back and sighed painfully "I will try to set the date for the court early" Je breathed out and the girl nodded softly before snuggling closer to him and drifted to sleep

But not for Jimin. He was crying silently while looking at his wife sleeping. He hate the fact that he must set the date early. Because that means, they will have their divorce soon. But Jimin had no choice. She'll get hurt more if he doesn't do something.

He doesn't have enough time left. The court was supposed to be 2 weeks from now and he decided to make it a week from now. He only have two weeks left to make the girl fall for him. He needs to

"I will make you fall for me. I will" He whispered before kissing her forehead

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