23: Tears

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"Hello Jimin its me Yeonju.. Haemi fell from her crutches. She's at Hyebin's room now"


"Where is she?!" Jimin slided Hyebin's door and some kids looking at him weirdly

"Jiminie Oppa?" The little girl called and Jimin ran to her

"Hyebin where is you sister?!"

"Unnie? There she is" the little girl pointed to the door behind her and soon, Haemi came out

"Haemi!" The boy ran to her like a little boy that found his long lost toy and hugged her tight but she pushed him away

"Unnie was helping me at the toilet" Hyebin stated before hopping on her bed

"Wait I thought you fell?"

"I lied"


He said angrily before going outside the room. Haemi shrugs before making her way to the chair beside Hyebin's bed

"Haemi noona! who was that??" The boy across Hyebin's bed asked

"Oh Junwoo! Thats her husband!" Hyebin answered instead

"Noona you're married?!" He gasped dramatically and Haemi scratched the back of her head

"Its complicated but kids.." She faced the 5 kids in the room. 2 boys and 3 girls including Hyebin "Dont worry, he is just worried because I am sick too. Just like you guys" She giggled and some nodded in understatement

Soon, Jimin came with a wheelchair and stood in front of the girl. Haemi eyed the wheelchair weirdly and that's when Jimin lifted her up


He shushed her before putting her on the wheelchair. He then put her crutches on the arm rest and waved the kids goodbye

"Bye Haemi Noona! Byebye Haemi Noona's husband!" Jungwoo chirped and the others waved them goodbye too

Both of the adults smile because of their cuteness and Jimin pushed the wheelchair out of the room

Only the sounds from the wheelchair's rusty wheel that could be heard when Jimin pushed the wheelchair. Both of them were angry at each other but Jimin was the most angry one.

Well who isn't angry when his wife is being called honey by some other man? Then the fact that his wife lied about getting hurt so that he will stop reading their conversation in the chat

Suddenly Haemi felt the wheelchair was being pushed slightly faster than before. then before she knew it, Jimin was almost running while pushing the wheelchair.

"J-jimin you're too fast! Stop running" She cried but he ignored her. He was seeing red.

The wheelchair came to a sudden halt when they arrived in front of their room and Haemi could barely save her crutches from falling down onto the ground

"What is wrong with you?!" She shouted as soon as they went into the room. Jimin rolled his eyes and gritted his teeth in anger

"I was the one who supposed to ask that question. Now, what is wrong with you?"

The girl ignored him and tried moving the wheelchair forward with her hands but Jimin pulled her back. The girl shrieked when her back suddenly came contact with the leather.

She eyed Jimin with no emotion when he walked slowly in front on her and puts his hand on the arm rest of the wheelchair

"Give me back my phone" She said with a cold tone and Jimin's face darkens

"I said, give me bac- HEY!"

Her eyes went wide when Jimin suddenly threw the crutches on the floor. She looks at him with anger and tried to push him away when he is leaning closer


"What?" The girl raised an eyebrow and suddenly the door slide open revealing a flustered doctor

"Uh.. Im sorry I'll do your checkups in an hour" Seokjin stuttered and closed the door

"What was that? I thought I heard them being sweet and stuff yesterday?" He mumbled before walking to the next room

Meanwhile the atmosphere in the room was tense. Haemi was looking at his husband with hatred while Jimin's face was red. He was trying to control his jealousy

"What's this?" He fished out his wife's phone from his pocket and showed her Jaerim and her chat. The one that they used 'honey' and 'baby'

"Gimme back that" She tried to snatch the phone away but Jimin was quicker. He puts it back in his pocket and the girl huffed in anger

"Mind to explain what is going on?" He puts on a fake smile and the girl rolled her eyes

"Its none of your business."

"It is!"

"Shut it Park Jimin and move. I want to rest"

The girls pushed his chest but he didn't budge a bit. Instead, he was smirking

"Park Haemi" He said with his sweet tone and Haemi could feel her heart skipped a beat

"Its Cha. Cha Haemi"

"You're mine. Get that. You are my Park Haemi"

"Haha I prefer Song Haemi tho"

"What on eart- Did you just- Wait- are you serious?! Song Jaerim?!"

"Just shut it Jimin and tell me what do you want?!"

"I want you to stay away from every guys you know or the ones you dont know except for me!"

"Wait are you jealous?"

"Yes I am." The girl choked on air out of his blunt statement

"Throw that feeling away. Im going to him after our divorce" She pushed him away and he stood there with shock.

Dang that hurts so bad

"Who said you are going to have a divorce with me?!" He shouted while looking at his wife climbing her bed

"I am" Haemi answered simply and laid down comfortably

She shuts her eyes and was about to drift off to dreamland until she felt someone straddling her

"Get off!"

"Let me make it clear to you. You are mine and I wont ever let you be anyone else be yours except for me. No one. I repeat, no one can kiss you, or hug you or even touch you except for me. I will never let the divorce happen" He said sternly and put her phone harshly on the bed before going out the room

Silently wiping his tears away

Sorry Jimin, I have to listen to what my mom said. I promised my dad to listen to her no matter what. She wants this, and I'll do it

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