6: Saved

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"Faster leg! Faster" She muttered while running away. She looks behind and saw her father's shadow from afar. She heaved and fished out her phone. Getting ready to call her other bestfriend, Jaerim

"Please pick up.. please pick up.." She tapped on the foot impatiently and groaned when no one picked it up. She looked behind and start running away again from the monster and took a sharp turn on the right. She hid behind a huge rubbish bin and cupped her mouth with her hand while using the other one to call Jaerim

"Sweetie.. I know you are somewhere here~" The father said in a sing song tune and she closed her eyes. Trying not to breath so that he won't caught her.

"I saw you with some kind of boy~ is it your boyfriend? Come out and lets talk about this nicely aye?" He whirled the twig and start whistling. Haemi didn't move a muscle. She knew what will happen if she got caught. She opened one eye and heaved a silent sigh of relief when she saw her father was walking away but gasped when her phone rang

It was from Jaerim

"Shoot" She muttered before declining the call

"There you are!" The father came and she backs away

"Were you playing hide and seek with me?" Her father walked towards her and she could just sit there. She couldn't run. On her right is a dead end meanwhile on her left is the huge rubbish bin. She was leaning on the wall too

"Haemi sweetie.. I'm your father.. You should tell me who you meet especially when they are boys" He smirked before whipping the twig on her fragile body

"Father! Im so sorry!" She shriek in pain. It was very painful as the twig was full with thorns. But the father couldn't stop his beating.

"Please! Im so sorry!" Haemi was a crying mess. She tried to protect her small body from his beating but the more she cover her body, the more harsher the beating gets

"Oof!" She looks up when the beating stopped and she heard a grunt. There was a fuming Jimin standing protectively in front of her

"WHAT ON EARTH ARE YOU DOING TO HER?!" He shouted. He was obviously mad from the way his knuckles turned white and veins were popping out from his neck and forehead

"Ohoho.. who are you?" The father stood up. Jimin made sure that Haemi was behind him and glared at the old man

"Park Jimin. The Vice CEO of Park Enterprise. Rings any bell?" Jimin smirked and he saw the man's smile faltered

"She is my daughter. And she deserved the beating. Now let her go back with me" He walked closer and Haemi just gripped on Jimin's shirt tightly

"I am her husband. And I dont think she deserves the beating. She doesn't even deserve a father like you" He spat. Haemi clutched on his shirt tighter

"Stop it Jimin.. You cant win" She whispered weakly. Dizziness were starting to come

"You know nothing" The father said and Jimin just smirked

"I think you better go now before I call the police. Here. I got the evidence" He showed his phone and the old man gasped when he saw the video of him hitting Haemi just now

"You go now.. I wont tell anyone but if you are stubborn, the whole country.. or maybe the whole world will know how evil you are" Jimin smirked and shoved his phone in his pocket

"Fine. I'll go. But Haemi sweetie, dont come back home late" He faked a nice tone then walked away leaving Haemi shuddered in disgust

"Haemi yah. Are you okay?" Jimin crouched in front of his wife quickly as soon as the man left and she just nodded her head.p weakly

Jimin frowned and lifted up her sleeves. He gasped when he saw bruises everywhere. Too many bruises. Haemi yanked her hand away and closed her eyes from the sudden dizziness

"Get lost" She muttered before standing up

"When did you get these?!" Jimin stood up and held her shoulder. Her face was pale and she could not process everything in mind

"You dont care. Now.. get los-" She didnt get to continue her word when she suddenly fell in Jimin's arms

"Haemi? Cha Haemi! Yah!" He panicked. He fished out his phone and called his driver to come.

Going back to the car take more time

He thought and laid his wife on his arms comfortably. He suddenly felt curious and lifted her shirt. And to his surprise, there were more marks there. Burnt one, Bluish and purplish marks, old scars and more. He squinted his eyes and wiped some make up on his wife's cheek.

And there was a scar underneath it. His heart ached when he saw those bruises and he knew that it was from the old man. He clenched his fist tightly and lifted her up when he saw his driver arrived

That old man is so gonna get it from me


"Jiminie Oppa" Hyebin cried and ran to him. Her face was full with tears and there was a panicked Jaerim behind her

"Unnie! How is she?!" She cried again and Jimin lifted her up. Giving her a warm hug

"Unnie is fine. She needs rest" He said and shushed the girl while bopping his body up and down

"Unnie never goes to the hospitals. She hates it. Why did you bring her here?" Hyebin whispered and Jimin just continued shushing and bopping his body up and down. Soon, the little girl drifted off to dreamland and he handed her to Jaerim

"What are you doing?" Jaerim asked before taking Hyebin from Jimin's arms

"The girl will be traumatised when she heard the full story" He said shortly and went to the seat beside Haemi's room

Jaerim took a sit beside him and laid the little girl comfortably on his laps

"What happened?"

"Her dad came. She ran away but got caught so the father suddenly start hitting her. I followed them out of curiosity and took a video" Jimin sighed

"What is actually happening with these girls?" He asked and Jaerim just smiled. Thinking that it was not a good choice to tell him the whole story

"I asked"

"And does that means I must always answer it?" Jaerim shots back and he went quiet. There was a long silence until Jaerim decided to break it

"Did the doctor said anything?"

"They have not come out yet"

"She never goes to the hospitals" Jaerim said and stood up

"I am going to send Hyebin to Yeonju's.. Just.. Make sure you are always by her side cause I know she will cry if she finds out she is in the hospital. Soothe her and calm her down. Say sweet things to her. I am giving you another chance to take care of the girl.." Jaerim said and stood up

"Before I take her away from you" He continued and left the place with Jimin stunned on his seat

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