35: A mess

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"How is he?" Yoongi asked and Taehyung shook his head

"He slept." The younger boy sighed before saying "With her picture in his embrace"

"Hyung shouldn't we do something? He barely eats for a week now" Hoseok looks at Seokjin and Seokjin looks at Namjoon. Namjoon then looks at Yoongi and Yoongi shrugs

"We have no idea. You kids have any idea?" The pale boy asked the other two and they shrugged in unison

"Actually.." Jungkook said after a long silence and all eyes are on him "Actually Yeonju told me where she is"


"Yo Honey how's America?" Jaerim pushed Yeonju's head from the laptop's camera and Haemi chuckled before replying

"Im okay with it. Just missing home a bit... And him too" She smiled bitterly and looks at her side to see Hyebin colouring her book "But Hyebin is having a hard time with the new place. She is still not used with the new language. The new surroundings. And her new friends too"

"They are not my friends!" Hyebin shouted from a far

She sighed and puts his head on her palm. Her elbow on the desk. "I heard from her teacher that she was bullied at her new preschool. She always cry and said she missed you two. And she said she missed playing with Kookie and Jiminie Oppa"

"Who dares to bully my baby girl?!" Yeonju shouted and Hyebin popped out of nowhere in the screen

"Vicky. Vicky and her friends. They bully me because all the boys in class likes me" She shrugs before pointing at the colour book

"Look! Yeonju Unnie and Jae Oppa! Pretty right?" She chirped and the two chuckled

"It is sweetheart. But if the do bully you again, dont be afraid to tell your teacher and Haemi Unnie okay?" Jaerim smiled and the girl nodded

"Is Kookie Oppa and Jiminie Oppa there?" She asked but pouted when the two shook their head. "Im going to drink some milk" She puts the colouring book on the table harshly before stomping downstairs and Haemi sighed seeing her sister like that

"She's got an attitude these days. I know that it's an act so that I'll bring her back home but I just dont know what to do.." She sighed again before continuing "I couldn't blame her. It was my fault for making her get too close to Jimin"

"Speaking about Jimin. Jungkook always call me these days. Jimin start fainting from not eating and he even cried in his sleep while holding both of your picture. The one you two took during the celebration where you said the three of you ate chocolate together" Yeonju said and Haemi sighed

Guess I'm not alone

"I..dont care"

"He is still your husband. Both of you did not sign the papers. You should care"

Jaerim's right. Haemi didnt have the urge to sign those paper so she wants Jimin to sign it first. Maybe she will change her mind after her husband made up his mind to let her go. But things went out of hand

"He even start smoking!"

"Wait what?!"

"Girl Im not kidding. Jungkook said he almost finish a box in one day"

"That's not good"

"I know"

"Uh.. tell Jungkook to tell Jimin that 'Haemi doesn't like it if she see her husband smokes'"

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