Chapter Two: Supplies

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"Do you have a plan, or are you going to just sit there a clean your precious pipe?" 

[Name] was getting annoyed by the dark haired man. He had dragged her into the bloody office, only so she could watch him scrub off the blood on his pipe? She didn't like it, and frankly -- she was quite bored. The man stopped and looked up at the [hair color] haired girl. His face wore an bored looked; and his cold blue eyes stared blankly at her. She rolled her eyes, not liking the look he was giving her. 

"On the other side of the building there's a room that should have all the supplies we would need. We'll get going soon so just shut the fuck up and wait," the man said then went back to cleaning. [Name] stared at him with an angry face. "People are dying right now," she said. "People are bound to die one way or another," the man said bluntly. [Name] scowled at him for his remark. Yes -- it was true; she'll admit that much. But people were dying faster, quicker, and more painfully now. 

"Right now someone just died and there could've been a possibility that we could have saved them," [Name] argued. She didn't like death -- or anything to do with the cruel matter. But to her luck; the building reeked with death. It had the sickly sweet smell of a burning body mixed with a dead possum that had died under your porch months ago. Yeah, that smell. 

"You want to go? Then go. Go save whoever you want," the man said outstretching his arm to the bloodstained door.

"Well, I can't just go alone. I mea-"

"Why not?" questioned the man. 

[Name] frowned. She wasn't the most skilled type, and she didn't even know if she'd be able to kill another person. 

"Well, becaus-"

"Because you need me. Face it sunshine, you aren't going to be able to walk three feet before dying to one of Them," the man said truthfully. It may or may not have been true. [Name]'s uncle had taught her basic fighting skills for self-defense when she was twelve. The only reason to that was because at the time she had started puberty earlier and looked like she was at least sixteen or older; in other words, a lot of creeps tried hitting on twelve year old [Name]. She hasn't had to use any of the moves she learned since she was seventeen (a guy grabbed her butt then continued trying to sweet talk her into sleeping with him) and she was probably a little bit rusty. That was only a few years ago, but a lot had happened to [Name] (mainly a lot of paperwork which caused her to never get a glimpse of sun) within that time-span. 

"I-I could do it!" [Name] said trying to sound confident, but her voice cracked and wavered ruining the confident act. The man raised an eyebrow. "Oh really? Then go out there right now. By yourself," he said looked at her. [Name] glanced over at the door and gulped.


The man smirked, "That's because you need me. Admit it."

"I don't even know your name," [Name] said. She didn't, but she could think of some that would go a lot with his rude and cocky personality.

"Levi," he said then stood up straight. 

"Huh?" [Name] asked not paying attention. 

"That's my name," Levi said. [Name] blinked then nodded. "Levi.. Huh. You look like more of a Dick," [Name] said with a smirk. Levi glared at her causing her gaze to turn away from his. "Let's go," Levi said breaking the uneasy silence. [Name] nodded and watched him stick his head out the door. Levi glanced at both sides of the hallway to make sure it was clear. He then walked out of the bloodied room, [Name] following close behind. The hallway smelled of death -- as did the rest of the building. Blood was spattered on the walls, along with the floor and ceiling. [Name] stared at some of the pools of blood that stuck out from the white tiles, and while observing it she noticed tiny pieces of flesh that were drenched in the dark red blood swimming in it. She blinked and looked away quickly to avoid throwing up at the sight.

Levi peeked around the corner of the hallway then turned around to face [Name] and put a finger up to his lips. [Name] nodded but gave him a curious look. Levi's footsteps became silent as he walked at a slow pace. [Name], too, slowed her pace to make her footsteps quiet. Furrowing her eyebrows, [Name] wondered why they were being so silent. Then she saw it. 

[Name] walked around the corner only a foot away from Levi. Despite his rudeness, he was surprisingly strong which made [Name] feel a little bit safer -- especially now. There was a dead body leaned up against the wall. [Name] couldn't tell if it was a man or woman, because the corpse's face had been torn off, but she assumed it was a man judging from the suit the body wore. The -- what [Name] assumed it was previously nice and expensive -- suit had been stained with the body's blood, and possibly other people's. Crouched down between the legs of the faceless corpse, was one of Them. [Name] could tell from the deathly smell that surrounded it's dark aura. The clothes it was wearing when it was actually alive and had a soul were torn in piece and revealed it's pale back. It wasn't just any normal type of pale that people with ginger hair, or people who never got out had. It was the type of pale they make the people who play dead in the crime television shows wear. [Name] had always wondered who they made their whole body that sickly pale color with just makeup. 

The sickly pale woman was bent over devouring something in her hands. [Name] was able to get a small glance at what it was, then instantly regretted it. In the hands of the -- the thing -- were the dead man's intestines. [Name] never imagined what they would actually look like, they looked a lot more.. disturbing than in the text books. There wasn't a solid color to them; it was a mixture of browns, pinks, and reds. The noise the thing made while it devoured the disgusting insides of the dead man was enough for [Name] to throw up all the cheap airplane food right there at that exact moment. 

Levi and [Name] silently walked past the human-eating being. It didn't notice them; it was too busy loudly devouring the intestines. [Name] didn't realize it until after the two of them were out of sight of the thing, but she had a death gripe on Levi's now red left hand. She didn't even know when she grabbed it. It must've been when she saw the thing bent over the dead man. After noticing their hands touching, [Name] quickly pulled her's away as her face turned red from embarrassment. Levi didn't seem to notice. He didn't even turn his head to look at her red face. 

They continued walking through the bloodstained halls (occasionally running into one of Them or a dead body which caused [Name] to freak out on the inside) until the reached the other side of the large building. To [Name]'s surprise, they didn't encounter as many of Them as she had thought they would. But thanks to Levi, he bashed them in the head and killed them if any of Them noticed the two survivors. [Name] assumed that most of the walking corpses were on some of the higher floors. They were on the bottom floor, and there weren't many offices on the bottom floor compared to the others. The main reason being the extremely large waiting room. [Name] wondered how many of Them were roaming above them. How many survivors there were. 

"We're here," Levi said breaking [Name] out of her thoughts. She looked up and saw a large metal door with a password lock on it. Levi entered a five digit number, which caused it to make a small beep noise then unlock. Levi gripped the handle and twisted it open. He motioned [Name] to come in, which she did, then walked in himself and shut the door. The metal door automatically locked itself after it slammed shut.

Levi walked over to the large cabinet that sat in the middle of the small room. There was a padlock on it -- and [Name] had no doubt that he knew that password too. 

He did. 

"Here, take this." Levi said handing [Name] a backpack. [Name] took it and looked inside of it. Like he said -- basic survival needs. Food, water, extra clothes, matches, a blanket, and a pocket knife. [Name] pulled out the extra clothes: jean shorts, black combat boots, and a black v-neck. Levi raised an eyebrow at her. 

"Turn around," [Name] ordered. Levi stared at her for a few seconds before reluctantly turning about and crossing his arms over his chest. [Name] sighed and shrugged off her torn and bloodied blue blazer. It kind of upset her -- it was designer and cost a lot. But it's not like that mattered anymore. Not after the world had gone to Hell. 

She then unbuttoned her not-so-white shirt and lazily tossed it on the ground leaving her in nothing but her black lace bra and knee-length skirt. She looked over at Levi and saw he had his head turned and was looking at her. She gasped and covered her exposed bra. 

"I told you not to look!" [Name] exclaimed glaring at him.

"No. You told me to turn around," Levi argued. [Name] growled and turned her back to him and pulled the black shirt over her head. Since it was a v-neck, it exposed a lot of her cleavage. It didn't bug her that much, she just hoped he wouldn't say anything about it. She turned to looked at Levi and saw that he was going through the supplies in the cabinet -- basic medical supplies such as bandages, alcohol, swapped, ect. 

As quickly as she could, she took of her torn shirt and pulled on the short jean shorts. She glanced over at Levi to see he was still sorting through the medical supplies and let out a relieved sigh. She kicked off her painful heels and pulled on the combat boots -- which to her felt ten times better. 

"Are you done now?" Levi asked picking up a bottle of rubbing alcohol and shoving it in his backpack. "Yeah," [Name] said with a nod. He turned his head and tossed her a bottle of rubbing alcohol, a package of bandages, and a small sewing kit. [Name] barely caught it all, but ended up managing to. [Name] shoved them into her black backpack and looked up at Levi. He was struggling to untie the knot in his dark ocean blue tie. It had gotten knotted up after all Hell broke loose. 

"Here," [Name] said walking over to him and grabbing his tie out of his hands. He didn't say anything, but aloud her to take it out of his hands. He looked up at her with his usual emotionless eyes [Name] had noticed that never change expression. [Name] had come to the conclusion that the man barely had a soul -- or that he was just really good at hiding his emotions.

Either way, he was blunt about basically everything.

She undid the knot fairly easily and then backed away from him. "I don't see why that was so hard for you," [Name] said with a chuckle. Levi glared at her. "I would've gotten it eventually," he argued. [Name] rolled her eyes and nodded letting out a sarcastic sure. Levi just glared at her one more time before shrugging off his suit jacket (or whatever those things are called) and tossing it on the cement floor. [Name] just messed around with the straps of her backpack and tried getting it in the right spot so it wasn't too loose or too tight. But when [Name] looked up her eyes widened when Levi unbuttoned his bloodstained white shirt and revealed his nice row of abs. 

"Take a picture, it might last longer." Levi said with an amused smirk. [Name]'s eyes widened even more (if that's even possible) and looked away. She felt the heat on her cheeks and knew she was blushing. "I wasn't staring at anything," she argued. Levi raised an eyebrow and dropped his dress pants. [Name]'s eyes glanced over at him then immediately covered her eyes and looked away.

"What the hell?!" [Name] exclaimed.

"What? They were all dirty. I'm not wearing those," Levi said stepping into the ripped jeans that he found in his backpack. He pulled out his belt from his dress pants and tightened the waist of the jeans.

"Doesn't mean you have to strip half naked in front of me," [Name] argued.

"I didn't say you had to watch," Levi smirked pulling over the black v-neck that looked similar to [Name]'s. 

[Name] turned around and glared at him.

I decided that I'll continue trying to do Reader x Levi, since I might as well give it a shot. I honestly don't know where this story is going, I have some general ideas that will happen later on but filling in the blanks to get there is the problem. So comment any idea you have and I'll take them into consideration. 


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