Chapter Five: More Survivors

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They had drove out of the underground parking lot, and that was when [Name] finally got to see how bad the outside was up close. It was terrible; wrecked cars, dead bodies, lost limbs, blood, glass, even the stop lights were flickering. Sparks shot out of the neon light signs that hung down from clubs, bars, and hotels. It was a disaster.

"So where are we going?" [Name] asked twirling her large knife. She liked it; it was useful and light. It wasn't that big either, making it easier to carry around. Levi side glanced at the [eye color] colored girl, but looked forward at the messy road in a split second. His hands tightened around the steering wheel as he made a left turn.

"As far away from here as possible, probably a different town. Until the gas runs out," Levi answered. He honestly didn't know himself. But he knew one thing for sure; that building wasn't safe. Neither was this town. 

[Name] nodded but didn't say anything. She didn't want to be in that place anymore either. It was a wreck. As they drove in silence, [Name] would often see a zombie try to chase the van, but only to end up losing sight of it. They were slow; but not too slow. As she watched, she noticed it varied from each corpse. Some were just plain slow, and didn't even make a real attempt at catching the van. Others would actually speed up a little bit to where it looked like a fast -- yet slow -- speed walk. But none of them could run at all, at least that's what she figured. 

It amazed the young adult at how fast this city went to Hell. It only started a few hours ago, and yet there was no sign of living beings in her eyes yet. Except Levi, of course. Levi stayed silent while he drove. [Name] could tell he was stressed, but she didn't understand how he could keep his cool like that. He seemed calm about the situation -- it was strange.

"Why are you so calm?" [Name] asked curiously. Levi's facial expression didn't change, instead he kept his eyes on the road and avoided the still cars that sat in the middle of the road. 

"That's the only thing I can do at the moment," he explained turning the wheel to the right. [Name] sighed and rested her head on her right hand and stared out the window. She watched the buildings go by slowly as Levi managed to squeeze through the sitting cars in the road. [Name] stared at a white building that had wood boarded up on this windows in confusion. There were big bold letters on the front of the building that said 'Pharmacy.' 

She decided to ignore it, know that people had probably already raided it and ran off. But right when she moved her attention somewhere else, there was a loud scream from the direction of the Pharmacy. It was a girl scream, and after that there was shouting that sounded like a male. [Name]'s eyes widened and she turned to a concentrated Levi.

"There's people in there!" [Name] exclaimed pulling out her knife. Levi continued to ignore her as he tried getting through the mess of cars. [Name] frowned.

"We have to help them!" she said raising her voice. Realizing that Levi wasn't going to do anything, [Name] let out a huff and put her hand on the door handle. Levi's hand reached and grabbed her arm before she could open the door, "Don't."

[Name] gave him a look mixed with confusion and unbelievable. "What? No," she said shaking his hand off; but it didn't work, his grip was like iron. 

"Listen. There isn't anymore screams. They're probably already dead," Levi said. He was right, there weren't anymore screams. All there was, was the sound of the engine and distant moans of the zombies trapped in the buildings. [Name] sighed knowing he was probably right. Those people who screamed only seconds ago were probably just a walking corpse now.

And she couldn't do anything about it.

"You're right," [Name] sighed letting go the the handle. Levi let go of her arm and stared at the now saddened girl. He didn't understand why she was upset; it's not like she actually knew the people. To him, it was just another death. Another life gone, and another body taken hostage by this terrible disease. 

Levi averted his eyes way from the upset girl and back to the crowded road. "Damn, why couldn't they have parked before they died?" Levi asked himself. He was frustrated, there were several cars just sitting in the middle of the road. He obviously knew that it wasn't necessarily their fault -- the owners of the vehicles -- but it annoyed him nonetheless. 

The silence in the van was once again interrupted by a scream that came from -- you guessed it -- the Pharmacy. [Name]'s eyes widened in surprise and she turned to glare at Levi. "You liar! I'm going," [Name] said opening the door without a second thought. 

"[Name] don't be stupid!" Levi shouted at her, but she was already in front of the Pharmacy, and out of earshot. Levi sighed an closed his eyes from annoyance.

"Stupid girl," he muttered opening the driver's door and stepping out into the warm weather. He pulled out both of her clean, sharp blades and stalked over to the determined girl. 

"I can't get it!" [Name] exclaimed when she was Levi walking over to her. Levi glanced at the door then back to her. "Because it's probably locked brat," Levi said with a matter-of-fact tint to his voice. [Name] rolled her eyes then tried kicking the door down. It didn't budge; but it sure made her foot hurt.

"It always works in the movies," [Name] whined rubbing her hurt foot. Levi rolled her blue-silver eyes and kicked the door. The door fell down on the ground of the tiled Pharmacy with a loud noise. The noise obviously grabbed the unnecessary attention was the dead. "Fuck!" [Name] said loudly as the zombies turned around from the 'employee's only' door and started walking towards them. 

"Do you regret leaving the van now?" Levi asked getting into position with his swords. [Name] blinked then shook her head, "Not at all. I'm not letting innocent people die without trying to help." 

Levi glanced at the now confident girl as she stabbed the closest zombie in the head. She then ripped the blades out and continued to stab the next corpse in the side of the skull. The short man was surprised -- he didn't expect a weakling like her to be so.. aggressive. She swung her large blade swiftly, and was fast at pulling it out of the dead's heads to strike another. 

Levi blinked away from the now serious girl and sliced the man zombie's head off swiftly. [Name] glanced over at him and frowned. "How come you got two swords?" she asked, obviously not happy he got the better choice of weapons. Levi ignored her and continued to kill the already dead. "Just shut up! There's about twelve more, you think you can handle half?" Levi asked as he kicked the feet under a overweight zombie then brought one of his swords down in it's head. [Name] glanced at the other slow walking zombies and nodded, "I can try." 

That was enough for Levi to continue the small rampage on the dead. [Name] jabbed her knife into the head of an already dead woman then went to pull it out but it was stuck. [Name]'s eyes widened as she was the last zombie in the room stalk over to her. Each step it go closer. [Name] breathed and tried yanking out her stuck knife, but it wouldn't come out. She had pierced the skull deeply, and the blade of the knife was caught on a piece of hard tissue of the brain. 

The zombie's arms reached out to her, but just as it was about to grab her [skin color] arm and bite into it, a sword went through it's fat neck so quickly [Name] wasn't actually sure that it happened. But she was sure when the zombie's head slowly slid off it's body, and the body fell down to the ground. [Name] let out a sigh of relief and pulled out the knife.

"Thanks," she said looking at Levi. Levi nodded then looked at the 'employee's only' door that the zombie's were crowding earlier. 

"Now let's see who was screaming," Levi trialed off and walked over to the blue and white door. He gripped his right hand around the silver knob and turned it.

Inside the small break room sat two people huddled in the corner of the room. They both had matching uniforms on, and [Name] assumed that they worked here by from the white shirts they wore that had bloodstains on them. The boy was skinny and bald and he was holding onto the girl for dear life, while the girl had brown hair with a red tint in it pulled into a ponytail and was eating a bag of chips. 

The room fell silent as the four young adults stared at each other wordlessly.

So Reader-chan and Levi met some survivors :D 
Soooooome questions you can answer in the comments (because I love reading what you guys will say)~
What do you think is going to happen?
What do you think is going to be said?
What will the four of them do, stick together or split up?

Leave a comment (:

- Sorry if there were any mistakes -

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