Chapter Thirteen: Mall

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The group of survivors eventually made it to the large mall without much problems -- okay, actually one large problem.

They had tried their best to be quiet and unnoticed, until Connie dropped his hammer which created a loud sound in the silent area. Everyone stared at him with wide eyes, and Levi glared at him as hard as he could. Connie gulped and bent down to grabbed his hammer, but someone's feet was already next to it by the time he was crouched down and looking at it. The shoes at blood on them, and the jean's on the person were stained with red and torn up. 

Connie's breathing stopped and he slowly lifted his head, scared of what was standing in front of him. When he had fully lifted his head, drool with blood mixed in it splattered on his face. This wasn't just someone -- it was one of Them; a zombie. It was female, and it's head was lying on it's shoulder. It's neck looked messed up and just gross to look at. When the person was alive and normal, they had probably broken their neck trying to get away from whatever infected them.

So now, the zombie's head just rolls around grossly. Connie opened his mouth to say something, but nothing came out. His mouth was closed shut out of fear and shock. The others stared back at him with wide eyes, but they couldn't do anything because they too were surrounded by zombies.

"And this is why I didn't want anyone else to join," Levi said smugly to [Name]. They were surrounded by zombies, and were back-to-back. [Name] growled. "This isn't the time to argue," she said and held up her knife as the zombies started closing in on them. Sasha and Eren were trapped together, and Mikasa and Armin were. Mikasa kept looking over at Eren with worried eyes, but surprisingly to [Name] he and Sasha worked well together. Sasha was a pro with the ax, it almost looked like she was a lumberjack that chopped down trees everyday with the way she was smashing the dead's skulls with it. 

Eren kept beating their heads with his crowbar, over and over again until they stopped moving completely. The first hit he would do, he would put all his power in it and used the curve to pierce their skulls. If that didn't kill them, then he would beat them until it did then quickly move onto the next one. Mikasa was doing great, like a natural. [Name] assumed that she had taken classes or something, because she was doing what [Name] was but more quickly and efficient. Stabbing them in the head, pulling out the knife, then doing it to another one, over and over again. 

Armin, on the other head wasn't doing that great. It didn't matter that much, because Mikasa was obviously killing the majority of them. Armin just hit them in the head with his pipe, and if it didn't kill them he'd hit them again -- basically what Eren is doing. 

Connie blinked and quickly got his name back in the game. Game. 'Just pretend this is a game. You play them all the time, so it shouldn't be a problem.' Connie gripped the wooden handle of the hammer and hit the zombie with it as hard as he could by using the nail puller side. All of the zombie's movements stopped, which told Connie he had killed it successfully. Connie grinned and looked at the next zombie that was limping towards him. Smirking, he walked up to it and hit it with the hammer on the side of the head -- killing it quickly. 

[Name] and Levi walked slowly in circles with their backs pressed up against each other. [Name] had her knife ready in one hand, and her other hands were hovering over the small ninja-like knifes that were strapped to her thigh. She knew they'd come in handy sooner or later. Levi had pulled out both of his sharp, clean swords and was also ready to attack. He 'tched' at [Name] at made the first move; he brought both of his swords down on two zombie's heads, killing them instantly. 

"Don't tch me," [Name] frowned and stabbed a zombie in the head, then kicked another one in the head as she tried pulling the knife out. She then stomped on the zombie's skull that laid on the ground, and actually killed it. She continued to do this, and sometimes even used her small knifes to kill zombies that go to close while she was already busy killing another. Her aimed was perfect, and it was no doubt that she'd be good at darts. Each small knife landed in the direct center of the zombie's heads.

"Do you play darts or something?" Levi asked after watching her kill another one with a small knife. [Name] shrugged and smirked, "Nope. I'm just that awesome." Levi rolled his head and stabbed a zombie in the head. "I doubt that."

[Name] faked gasped, "What's that supposed to mean?" Levi was about to say a smart ass remark, but someone stopped him from doing so. 

"Come on! There's an opening!" Eren shouted, pointing to the small opening. Everyone's eyes traveled to where he was pointing at. It was small, but it they all ran through it together and killed some of the zombies, it would be possible for them to get through and enter the mall. Levi glanced over at [Name], "You ready?" 

[Name] nodded and ran through the mess of zombies with everyone else following closely behind her. As they ran through the small opening in the herd of zombies, Levi was cutting through their heads like it was nothing. Him doing that made it even easier to run through. The mall doors grew closer and closer, and soon enough [Name] was face-to-door with it. Without hesitation, she pulled the door open and held it while ushering the others in quickly. Once the last person -- Connie -- ran through she slammed it shut and Levi moved one of the shop's couches in front of it so they had no chance at getting in, even though [Name] had to pull the door open, not push it inside. 

Everyone was leaned up against something or sitting down and panting. They all had blood on them and their weapons, but no one seemed to mind at the moment -- even Levi. Eren walked over to Mikasa on the other side of the store, which happened to be a furniture one. [Name] watched them walked out of sight but shrugged it off, Mikasa probably wanted to ask him if he was alright and stuff. 

"Mikasa, do you think that the bite is how you get infected?" Eren asked worriedly. Mikasa frowned, "I'm pretty sure. Why are you asking?" Eren gulped and looked down at his arm that was covered by his jacket. Mikasa followed his eyes and looked down at it too. Eren slowly pulled it up to reveal a deep bite. There was no mistake about it, it was a bite alright. The skin surrounding the bite was fine, but had small dots of red around it. It basically looked like a rash surrounding it. 

Mikasa's eyes widened. "When did you get that?!" She whisper shouted at him, making sure the others couldn't hear her. Eren pulled his sleeve down and looked at her. "Back in Washington. I was with Thomas when he got bit too. I don't know why I haven't change yet though," Eren said with a shaky sigh. Mikasa furrowed her brows, "If you got that when Thomas got his, you'd be turned too." 

Eren sighed and shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know. What if I turn soon though? Or what if I'm immune?" Eren questioned. If he was immune, he'd be the happiest person alive. Mikasa glanced back at the other, but none of them were staring at the two. "Don't tell anyone else, okay? I'm not going to let them kill you," Mikasa said sternly. 

"What if when I turn I kill you?" Eren asked, his voice cracking. "Or if I kill the other?" He added. Mikasa looked him straight in the eyes, "If you turn, I'll turn too." Eren's eyes widened.

"What? Mikasa, you can't just do that!" Eren said, his voice slightly raising. Mikasa cover his mouth with her hand to shut him up. "I can and I will," she said seriously. Eren stared at her with glossy eyes. He didn't want to turn, but he didn't want her to turn even more. But Mikasa made up her mind, and there was no changing it. 

Eren sighed, knowing that he'll never with this fight. He looked over out the entrance inside the mall that connected the rest of the mall to the store they were in. He noticed something moving, and when he looked closer at it he noticed it was a limping zombie. It wasn't coming their way, but if there was one of them in the mall, there was more. He turned away and pushed past Mikasa and walked back to the group who was still catching their breaths. 

"There's more inside here," Eren said taking a seat next to Connie on one of the couches. Sasha frowned. "Are you serious?" She whined, throwing her head back and closing her eyes. Eren nodded, "Yeah, I saw one walking around when Mikasa and I were looking around the store." Just as he said that, Mikasa walked over to them. She nodded in agreement.

[Name] sighed. She was still worn out from what just happened outside in the street, she wasn't exactly ready to do it again. Levi was calm and wiping the blood off his swords, but was still listening. "Then we have to kill them all," Levi said without looking up. Everyone looked at him with are-you-fucking-serious faces. Connie grinned, "Like in the moving Dawn of the Dead?"

Levi stopped cleaning and looked at Connie with a blank face. "You're fucking stupid," he said then went back to cleaning, "but yes, basically. We clear out this floor and make sure all the entrances are blocked, then we will clear the second floor." 

[Name] stood up and slapped her hands together and grinned, "Let's do it. But I swear if there's fucking annoying ass security guys, I'm going to be pissed." Eren laughed at her statement, but nodded in agreement. "Yeah, those guys were total dicks." 

Sighing, everyone gave in and started readying up. "Okay, we're going to travel as a group. No straying," Levi ordered. It was obvious who was the leader of the group, Levi was probably the most fit and skilled one. He was also good at creating plans. It had only been more than a day since this all started, and [Name] already looked up to him as a leader. But other than that, he annoyed her and made her want to punch him. 

They all nodded and followed Levi out the store and into the center of the mall where everyone walks to get to their favorite stores. [Name] looked around and saw many of her favorite stores, telling herself that once they cleared the mall out, she was going to go to each one of them and try basically everything on that she thought was cute. The best part -- it'll all be free. 

The group walked down calmly, the only sounds that echoed were their footsteps and the moans of the dead. Eren killed the one he saw from earlier, and Levi and [Name] killed the rest that they saw. Sasha was walking at the back of the group, slightly trailing behind. She heard a small noise from one of the shops they passed and stopped walking. She frowned and looked in it, but saw nothing. Shrugging, she decided it was probably her imagination. But as she started walking again, she heard it again. It was louder, and sounded like multiple voices. Her eyes widened as two cold hands grabbed her shoulders and tried pulling her back. Sasha screamed loudly and tried to pull away. 

Everyone turned around to see a struggling Sasha behind held by a zombie, but that wasn't their only problem anymore. Her loud scream attracted attention -- a lot of it, too. Coming to her senses, Sasha made a daring move. She held her ax with both hands in between her legs and brought her arms up. If you didn't know what she was planning, you would've thought she was tried her ax herself in the head, not the zombie behind her. 

Sasha successfully killed the thing that held her and quickly ran over to her group. Armin's eyes widened as large groups of zombies limped out of the stores. "Not again," he whined holding his pipe up. "Sorry," Sasha said quietly, but no one looked at her. Mikasa glanced down the large walkway at the end of the building. There was a big door and above it was the word 'Arena.' 

"There!" Mikasa shouted, pointing at the doorway to the arena. Everyone looked at it and started running towards it. The zombies picked up their pace and were close behind them. There were a lot of them, more than there was on the street. They all ran in the door and locked it. It was dark, but there were no zombies inside. Eren's hands scanned the wall until he found it; the light switch. He flicked it up, and the lights all turned on to reveal a large room. There was a stage, but no seats. Either it was meant to be that way, or they took the seats out to clean or something. 

[Name]'s eyes widened as she took everything. On the stage there was three microphones, a few guitars, a keyboard and a drum set. There were also speakers everywhere. "Wow.." [Name] trailed off. Armin nodded in agreement. Connie and Sasha walked out of a storage room that no one had noticed, or even noticed them go in. Connie held up propane tanks, and Sasha held up two bottles of some type of alcohol drink. 

"So.. We found these in there. And there's more," Connie said while looking at the things he was holding. [Name] looked at the things they held, and then to the stages. An idea popped up in her head and she grinned widely. Everyone looked at her with confused faces.

"How about we put on a little concert?"

I tried making this chapter longer because all the recent chapters have been pretty short. I also tried to make it a little more interesting, so tell me what you think?
Sorry if it sucked xD But this is just a side project, and it's meant to be more of a funny/comedy/horror  story with some romance (which is coming soon don't worry)
Concert eh?
What do you think reader-chan has in mind?
For their concert.
Ya know.
It's a concert after all. I'm going to stop talking, so just comment songs and opinions xD

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