Chapter Twelve: Out Of Gas

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"Shit!" Levi exclaimed as the van slowly came to a stop. "What is it?" [Name] asked worriedly. Levi sighed frustrated and rested his head in his hands. "We're out of gas," Levi mumbled into his hands. Everyone's eyes widened slightly once the words left his mouth. They were now stuck in the middle of an infected town. Isn't that just great? "Out of gas? You're kidding me.. right?" Eren asked. Levi lifted his head up from his hands and glared at the brunette boy. "I wouldn't lie about this dipshit," Levi said harshly, causing Mikasa to glare at him. During the long hours of when they were all stuck in the moving van, they had all gotten to know each other better -- except Levi who stayed silent the whole ride. [Name] had learned that Sasha and Connie were best friends and were from across the country, and that Mikasa was Eren's adopted sister and that Armin was their best friend. They had learned a little bit about her, too. 

[Name] groaned and leaned her head back. "We're stuck in the middle of an infected city. What else could go wrong?" She asked to herself. "Well, we could all die," Connie suggested. Everyone glared at him so he put his hands up in defense, "Sorry, she asked." Everyone rolled their eyes at him then looked away. None of the spoke, they were all still processing that the were stuck in a random city. [Name] rubbed her eyes just as two bloody hands slammed down on her already bloodstained window. Everyone jumped -- except Levi who remained calm for some reason -- and stared at [Name]'s window. [Name] gulped as the zombie pressed it's face against the glass.

It's the underground parking lot all over again.

"Not again," [Name] whined and rolled down the window enough to be able to stick her knife and hand out. Armin's eyes widened, "[Name]! What are you doing?!" [Name] rolled her [e/c] eyes and brought the knife down into the dead's skull, immediately it went limp. "That," [Name] said and pulled out the knife. The muscles in her arms tightened when she did so, and it actually surprised Levi that she actually had any. [Name] looked down at her blood covered knife and cringed before wiping it on the bottom of the seat. 

"I think I see a mall!" Sasha exclaimed and pointed at a large building that was down the street they were on. Everyone looked up and stared at it. "It might be," [Name] shrugged then opened the door. 

"[N-Name], what are you doing?" Armin asked with wide concerned eyes. [Name] stepped out of the useless van and walked to the very back. She opened the large doors and started throwing the extra bags at everyone. "Everyone needs to at least have one bag," [Name] explained and gave bags to Mikasa, Eren, and Armin. They all caught the bags easily and secured them on their bodies right away. Levi stepped out of the van and pulled out his two swords when he saw one of Them running towards him. Eren's eyes widened when he saw it running at the raven haired man, "Levi watch out!"

Levi rolled his eyes and simply cut the zombie's head in half; right down the middle. Eren stared with his mouth ajar. Levi turned around and glared at the shocked boy, "I can handle myself." 

Eren blinked then quickly looked away from Levi's glare. Levi sighed and looked down at his bloodstained weapons. "Gross." He muttered then started wiping it off with his handkerchief. [Name] slammed the back doors shut and walked over to Levi, her eyes going right to his moving hands that were cleaning off the blades.

"Really?" [Name] asked while rolling her eyes. Levi glanced up and narrowed his eyes at her. She frowned then put her hands up in defense, "Sorry, clean freak." [Name] chuckled and turned her back to face him while he mentally cut her up into pieces with his clean swords. 

[Name] walked over to the group who stood outside the van nervously. Sasha had her ax, Connie had the hammer, Mikasa had a knife, Eren has a crowbar, and Armin had a metal pipe. "Looks like you all have at least some type of protection.." [Name] mumbled as Levi silently walked behind her. 

"Your weapons will most likely do the job, just stab them in the heads enough to get to the brain and they'll die," Levi explained. All eyes focused on him. "How do you know that'll work?" Connie asked with a raised eyebrow and worried face. Levi rolled his eyes in annoyance, "Do you think I would be alive if it didn't?" Connie shut up after that. 

"And try not to make noise or be to loud. From what I've seen, they're attracted to noise if anything," Levi continued. [Name] nodded in agreement, "So don't use guns unless it's absolutely necessary." The group nodded causing [Name] to smile. 

"Let's go now," Levi ordered and walked past the survivors in the direction of the mall. [Name] grinned, "Remember, no noise." Everyone nodded and started following Levi to the mall.

A mall.
How cliche. 
Oh well, lots of zombie things have them in a mall at one point, so why not just do it now? 
Comment what you think, ideas, and what you want to happen next (:

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