Chapter Seven: Flashback

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A large smile spread across Sasha's crumb covered face and she lunged towards [Name]. Sasha's long arms wrapped around [Name]'s short body as she repeated the words 'thank you' over and over again into [Name]'s chest. [Name] smiled softly and gave an awkward pat on Sasha's back. "Yeah, no.. problem," [Name] said shyly and tried to pry off the potato-loving female. But that only made Sasha's arms tighten. [Name]'s face started becoming red from the lack of oxygen, causing Connie to walk over and pry Sasha off himself. 

"I think you're suffocating her," Connie said with a chuckle and pulled off the red-brunette girl. Sasha grinned and scratched the back of her head, "Heh, sorry." 

"Since you two are tagging along, make yourselves useful and find bags to put all this stuff in," Levi said walking over to the trio. Connie and Sasha blinked then nodded, rushing in the back of the small store to find bags. "I can't believe an idiot like you talked me into this," Levi muttered walking to the front of the store. [Name] frowned and followed him.

"What's that supposed to mean?!" She asked crossing her arms over her chest. Levi rolled his silver-blue eyes and turned to the now mad female. 

"It means, you're annoying and you are a handful to take care of," Levi said coldly. His eyes seemed bored, as if staring at her wasn't boring enough for the short man. 

"I never said you had to take care of me," [Name] fought back. Levi stared at her with emotionless eyes. 

"Really? Where would you be right now if we never met?" Levi asked raising an eyebrow. She would be dead -- and her body would still be moving and attempting to kill other innocent people. [Name] opened her mouth to say something, but was cut off by the other female in the small building. 

"You guys fight like a married couple," Sasha snickered holding up a backpack and a small bag. Levi didn't look at the talkative girl, he just rolled his eyes as a blush crept onto [Name]'s cheeks. "I only just met him today!" [Name] exclaimed grabbing the small bag from Sasha's possession. Sasha rolled her eyes and started throwing random medicine into her backpack.

Connie was still in the back, he too had his own backpack and was filling it with food that the other employees kept back there for when they got hungry. Most of it was cheap fattening food -- but it was still better than nothing. He himself still couldn't believe the situation. That dead bodies were eating the live ones. Chills were sent down his spin as he remembered how it all started in his eyes.

It was just like any other day, Connie and Sasha were the only ones on duty that day because their other coworker -- Molly -- had gone home early claiming she felt sick. She had asked both working coworkers to cover for her, and they both agreed seeing it wouldn't do any harm to stay at the store a little bit longer after their shifts ended. Connie had known Sasha since high school; they had both moved to California after they graduated, which was only about a year ago. They got an apartment together -- it was small but it was big enough for just the two of them. They were best friends; but over the years Connie had become more attached to Sasha -- crush wise. 

He stood there at the cash register thinking about how if he confessed his feelings, their wonderful friendship would be ruined. He didn't want to take the large risk and decided he'd keep his mouth shut -- knowing that it would be painful for him to see her with other men, he signed up for a dating website. It was like any other cheesy dating site -- you fill out your information and make sure to put what you see in a girl. As he was typing out his information, the bell that hang from the top of the glass door rang. Sasha was in the back sorting through the medicine and other supplies that had arrived earlier that morning, so that left Connie in charge of the whole store. Without looking up from his touchscreen phone, Connie said in a bored voice, "Welcome to the Pharmacy how may I help you?"

He was obligated to say that to every person who walked through that door. Even if they didn't actually have a prescription, and they only wanted to by any of the other items that sat on the few rows of shelves. The person didn't answer, but Connie didn't find it strange in any way. It happened a lot -- so it didn't seem funny to him that this person didn't reply. They probably just wanted to get their stuff, buy it, then leave. It happened basically everyday. 

After the few moments of silence, the person let out a growl. It was inhuman -- like an animal or something. This caught Connie's attention, and he quickly filled out the last pieces of information on the corny dating site, but before he could look up a feminine scream came from behind the buzz-cut haired man. Connie immediately turned around -- completely forgetting about the strange growl the customer had let out -- and saw a scared looking Sasha. She had her hands up in weak fist against her chest, wide eyes, and if he looked closely he could see her body shaking. 

"What happened now?" Connie asked rolling his eyes. Just the other day, Sasha came out from the back screaming, and the reason?

A spider. 

Sasha slow pointed a shaky finger at something behind Connie, but nothing came out of her mouth. It was like she was too scared to even speak. Connie gave her a questioning look then turned around, and he, too, shouted. There wasn't just one customer; there were over fifteen.

And they were not normal customers. 

Their skin was sickly pale, you could see the blue veins underneath it. Blood covered all of them; one even had it's intestines hanging out of it's stomach. But even that didn't cause Sasha to lose her abnormal hunger. 

"What the hell?!" Connie asked raising his voice and taking slow steps back. The usual hospital smelling pharmacy now stunk of death and the metallic smell of blood. The inhuman creatures shuffled slowly towards the two scared employees with outstretched arms. Quickly, Connie grabbed onto Sasha's arm and pulled her into the break room. The room was small; but yet again, there usually were only up to four people working at the same time. In the room, there was a small table with two chairs. There was also a mini fridge and a small counter that had a microwave and coffee maker on it. Above it, there were two cabinets. 

Both Connie and Sasha backed up in the back corner of the room. Connie was holding onto Sasha shaking, and Sasha did the same to him. "Wait a minute," Sasha said releasing her arms from Connie. She stuck her hand into her pocket and pulled out one of those vending machine chip bags. And of course -- it was potato chips.

The first time Connie had met Sasha, she had stole his potato at school. Ever since that day, they became best friends, and Connie never questioned her strange love for potato's.

Everyone has there weird food craving. 

There was pounding at the door; and they both knew that it was those things. Sasha ripped open the bag and pulled out a chip and offered it to Connie. "How can you be eating at a time like this?!" Connie shouted. Sasha stared at him then shrugged. "If I'm going to die I want to enjoy my last meal," Sasha said tossing the chip into her mouth. Connie rolled his eyes at her stupidity and closed his eyes and tried blocking out the pounding on the door.

After that, [Name] and Levi had saved them. It was a miracle. Connie and Sasha had both thought that would be the end for them, but those two showed up and saved them from facing death in the eyes. Connie sighed and threw the last water bottle into his bag. If only they hadn't agreed to cover for Molly, they would've been home when that happened. Not were people could just walk in and try eating them. Connie zipped up his bag and walked back out to the front to see the others waiting.

"Ready to go?"


I have no idea where I'm going with this story anymore xD 

So please, comment ideas ;c

And who do you want the gang to meet next? ;D

Comment what you think?

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