Chapter Three: Alone

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After Levi had gotten dressed, he calmly walked over to the skinny tall shelf that stood in the back of the room. [Name] wasn't exactly sure what was inside -- but she had a pretty good idea. It was tall and skinny; there were most likely weapons in it, especially guns. Levi opened the skinny cabinet and let out a low whistle. 

"What is it?" [Name] walked walking behind him. Levi bent down and picked up two hand guns and observed them. Guns weren't exactly Levi's thing; he'd much rather have a melee weapon. And to his luck, there were two swords in the cabinet. It didn't surprise him -- the owner of the Survey Corps was half Japanese, and on his spare time he'd practice his sword fighting skills with his daughter. It wasn't a surprise that his choice of swords were locked away in the emergency room. Levi tucked the small hand gun in the back on his pants; like they did in the TV shows and movies. [Name] did the same thing, this was the first time she'd ever done that. It felt weird to her. 

Levi put on the pack-like straps that could hold the two swords on his back. He then slipped the two swords into the sockets and pulled his backpack over them. "You ready?" He asked turning around to face [Name]. [Name] finished placing the eight knifes in the leg bracelet (I don't know what to call it) and nodded. 

"Don't use your gun unless it's an emergency, I'm pretty sure these things are attracted to sound," Levi explained opening the metal door. [Name] nodded but didn't say anything. She decided it'd be best to follow his lead -- he did save her from death, after all. It's the least she could do. As they walked out of the now emptied room, [Name] pulled her hair into a high pony tail, and let pieces of her bangs fall carelessly onto her face. 

"What're we going to do now?" [Name] asked catching up so she was walking beside the raven haired man.

"This building isn't safe, and there's not food or anything here," he started, "and I think there's a company van in the parking lot. So we'll take that and find a safe place." 

[Name] nodded and looked forward. Her [hair color] hair bounced as she walked. She didn't have her bloody hammer anymore; she now held an axe. The blade part was painted red, and the stick was dark wood. It was heavy in her hands, but she'd get used to the extra weight soon enough. The duo walked together in silence. It wasn't necessarily awkward silence, but more of a I-don't-know-what-to-talk-about kind of silence. [Name] was okay with that though. She didn't want to attract unnecessary attention from any of Them. 

[Name] wondered what they were called. She's just been calling them 'Them' or 'thing'. Then it clicked in her mind -- zombies. She didn't know why she didn't realize it earlier; she'd seen so many movies and played so many games with them in it. The only thing that bugged her about it, is that she watched a show that said it was scientifically impossible. That zombies were scientifically impossible. 

So how did this happen?

"We're hear brat," Levi said breaking her out of her thoughts. She shook her head and followed him into the back parking lot. It was an underground one -- and the flickering lights only made it darker than it already was. 

"They're zombies, aren't they?" [Name] asked as they walked on the black pavement. 

"Took you long enough to realize it," Levi said. 

"But's that scientifically impossible!" [Name] exclaimed not wanting to believe it.

"Will you keep your voice down? I don't want to attract any of them. And I don't care if it is or isn't, it's happening so shut up about it brat," Levi said harshly. [Name] glared at him as they walked up to the black van. It had the words 'Survey Corps' on it in bold white letters, and the company logo on it -- 'The Wings of Freedom.' 

Levi got in the driver's seat while [Name] opened the door to the passenger's seat. Levi looked at where the keys should've been -- but they weren't there. 

"Dammit," Levi muttered opening the van door. 

"W-what are you doing?" [Name] asked watching him get out of the van. 

"I'm going to get the keys. I know where they are, you stay here," Levi explained and walked off into the distance of the dark underground parking lot. [Name] gulped. 

She was alone.


I seriously have no idea where this story is going /: 

So comment ideas? x

This chapter is kind of short, but writers block man x.x

I'll also be out of town from Friday to Tuesday so that gives you guys some time to help me out with what's to happen next ;3

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