Chapter Nineteen: Cuddling

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After Petra had fallen asleep Levi had walked back to the rest of the group. [Name] was leaned against the armchair of the bench with her eyes closed. Her chest rose more slower than usual so Levi assumed she had fallen asleep. He didn't blame her, after all the work they've done today he's surprised she didn't fall asleep earlier. 

Levi glanced at the main entrance and saw the moonlight shining on the zombies outside of the now safe mall. Everyone else in the group was gone; somewhere else in the mall. Probably back at that furniture store. Levi had noticed beds there so it'd be a comfy place to sleep at out of everywhere else. 

Levi sighed and ran a hand through his dark hair before walking over to a sleeping [Name]. He bent his knees and placed one hand under her knees and the other he slipped through her arms to carry her bridal style. The sudden feel of warmth caused [Name] to instantly snuggle into what was creating it -- which happened to be none other than Levi himself. 

[Name] sleepily wrapped both of her arms around his neck and then snuggled deeper into his chest. Levi felt his eyes widened and his face heat up. The heat that randomly appeared on his face confused him. What was it?

Am I blushing? No. Why would I be blushing anyways?

Levi shook his head and started walking towards the first shop they found. As he walked further into the store he noticed the members of his group scattered around in different places. Eren had a twin size bed, Sasha and Connie were a queen size unintentionally cuddling each other, Armin was laying on his stomach on a soft blue couch, Mikasa was asleep in a recliner that was close to the twin Eren was sleeping on, and Jean and Marco were on two different couches.

All of them were fast asleep, and even one of them was snoring. Levi could swear it was coming from Connie, but it could be from Jean too. Levi's face turned into a scowl we he thought back at how Jean was flirting with [Name] earlier today. Levi glared at Jean's sleeping body before walking away from the area they were in.

Levi walked all the way to the other side of the store. He couldn't hear Connie's (or Jean's) snoring from there and decided it would be the best place to get some shuteye. Levi walked over to the nearest bed; a full sized. It had velvet and gold colored blankets and pillows on it that looked silky yet soft at the same time. Levi slowly removed one hand from [Name]'s sleeping figure -- which made her squirm slightly -- and pulled down the covers.

He then tried laying her down, he got the lower half of her body to lay on the mattress but there was one slight problem; she wouldn't let go. Her arms were tightly wrapped around Levi's neck. It was like his neck was a small branch that she was holding onto to keep from falling off a cliff -- yeah, that tight. Levi rolled his eyes and tried prying her arms off but it still didn't work. 

After five minutes of trying to remove her arms Levi gave up. He probably would've kept going but he didn't want to wake her up and he was also tired himself. Sighing, Levi pushed [Name]'s body to the other side of bed then laid down on the side she was on earlier. [Name]'s arms became looser when Levi pulled the covers over both their bodies. 

[Name]'s arms completely detached themselves from Levi's neck -- causing Levi to let out a sigh of relief -- but only to have her lay her head down on his chest and wrap one arms around his torso. Levi closed his eyes and leaned his head back flat against the pillow. He felt weird. Different even. He didn't know whether he enjoyed or disliked the way [Name] was holding onto him in her sleep. Levi sighed inwardly at his confused emotions as blackness neared his mind to take over his consciousness.

Don't tell me I'm actually growing attached her her?

*     *     *

Soft laughter came from around the bed Levi and [Name] were sleeping in. They were surrounded by most of their group members -- Jean was put in charge of watching Petra at the moment. Sasha and Connie looked at each other with grins before turning back to the two sleeping people. 

"Wake up! Wake up! It's morning!" 

[Name] didn't even bother to open her eyes; she could tell who it was by the voices. Instead he tiredly waved her hand around and snuggled deeper into the thing providing warmth to her body. She didn't know what it was, and she didn't honestly care either. It was soft, warm, and comfortable. 

Levi on the other hand had woken up minutes ago. Let's just say he wasn't a heavy sleeper and he had heard the voices before they were even close to them. He just didn't want to move. Why? Because it was comfortable? Because it was warm? Levi didn't know the exact answer but he knew one thing; he wasn't moving as soon as they wanted him to. 

"Come on [Name]! Wake up! Sure you two look cute together like that but it's kind of gross to look at," Sasha said scrunching her nose up. Connie laughed and the voices slowly started to fade.

'They must've gotten hungry,' Levi thought and smile inwardly. 

[Name] frowned. 'You two who? What was she talking about?' She asked herself with furrowed eyebrows. Slowly, [Name] started to open her right eye. It was blurry at first but once it cleared there was no mistaking it.

She was literally cuddling Levi.



Cuddling with Levi.

Is that even possible? How is this happening? Levi surely wouldn't allow it -- right? No, he'd probably just shove [Name] off once he woke up. He probably didn't even know he was doing it, after all he was asleep.

Or so she thought.

Levi could feel eyes on him, and he could tell it was [Name]. Her body was tensed in his arms so it was obvious. [Name]'s breath got caught in her throat and she slowly started to pull away from Levi's grasp. Levi took notice of this and frowned inwardly and instantly pulled her back. [Name] let out a quiet gasp of surprise as her chest landed on Levi's. 

[Name] widened her eyes at how close their faces were now. Her face reddened -- but why? Oh right, she's never had her first kiss yet. Well, she had her first kiss. But no first what do you call it.. make out? Yeah; that. 

[Name] lifted her arms and pressed her palms against Levi's chest and tried to push herself off. But Levi's grip was like iron and she wasn't able to budge even and inch away from him. She tried again but Levi's arms still remained protectively wrapped around her waist. Sighing in defeat, [Name] allowed her body to relax and she softly laid her head on his chest. The sound of his slow heartbeat calmed her body even more and she fell back to sleep.

Levi smirked and tightened his arms.

I'm not that good at writing lovey-dovey kind of shit yet, so just watched as it gets better (hopefully) The next few chapters will basically be zombie-free. It'll mainly be about their life in the mall and shit.
Tell me what you think?(:

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