Chapter Fourteen: Concert

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Everyone stared at [Name] with confused faces, trying to understand what she meant. "What? Concert? What do you mean?" Eren asked. [Name] smirked and looked at the flammable objects in Sasha and Connie's hands. 

"Well, we know that they are attracted to sound, right?" [Name] asked, but it sounded more like a statement. Levi stared at her, wondering what her idea was. Everyone nodded, still confused. [Name] smiled, "Both of the things Connie and Sasha found are flammable and will explode. So I was thinking.."

Levi's brain clicked and suddenly her idea became clear to him. To his surprise, it was actually a good idea. "We use those instruments to draw them in and kill them all by using those," Levi explained pointing at the propane tank and alcohol. Connie's face brightened and he smiled widely. "I get it now! We'll make those things.. uh.. what are they called.." Connie said trying to think of the word he was looking for. "Molotov," Armin answered for him. Connie grinned, "Yeah, that!" 

"We need cloth for that though," Mikasa said looking around the arena, "and I don't see any around here." 

[Name] thought about it for a few seconds become shrugging off her bag and unzipping it. She dug in it for a little bit before pulling out a white tank top that was part of the extra clothing but she had no use for wearing it. "We can use this," [Name] shrugged. Sasha looked at it before grabbing it from [Name]'s hands and ripping it into smaller pieces. 

"Yeah, this could work. We just have to stick it in like this," Sasha said and popped the cap off the bottle then shoved the white cloth piece into the bottle but not all the way down, just the top part of it. "And then we light it and throw it," she said and held up the bottle, "wait, does anyone have a lighter?" [Name] and Levi both dug into their bags, knowing that the emergency kit came with lighters for both of them. After finding them in the mess of supplies they pulled them out and flicked them on. 

"Yep," [Name] said flicking it back shut and handing it to Sasha. Sasha smiled and grabbed it before shoving it it in her pocket. "Okay, we got that but what about these?" Connie asked holding up the tanks of propane. Levi pulled out the gun from the back of his jeans and held it front of his face, "You shoot it." 

Connie's face brightened even more, and his smile got bigger, "This is seriously just like my video games!" 

Levi glared at him which made Connie's smile slowly fall and he stared at everyone. They all just looked at him with a blank face. "What? Seriously?" Connie sighed and calmed down. 

"We got that part down, but what about the noise? We don't even know if we can play all those instruments," Armin said. 

"I can sing some and play the guitar," [Name] shrugged.

"Me too," Levi said blankly. 

"I can play the drums," Eren said. Mikasa looked at him with questioning eyes. "Since when?" She asked. Eren frowned and looked away from her. "I taught myself a couple years ago," Eren muttered. 

"I can play the drums too!" Connie grinned. 

"I know how to play the piano, this keyboard thing shouldn't be that different," Armin said eyeing the keyboard that was connected to a laptop. It must've been like some kind of DJ set. 

"So it's settled then. Levi and I guitars, Eren drums, Armin keyboard and Mikasa, Sasha, and Connie will do the killing," [Name] explained. Everyone nodded in agreement, seeing that was probably the best plan. "What kind of music should we play?" Eren asked with a raised eyebrow. [Name] tapped on her chin to think about it. 

"Rock. It's loud enough," Levi said crossing his arm over his chest. 

"Yeah! And it'll get us pumped up!" Connie yelled from the small room him, Mikasa, and Sasha were in. There was a small noise that was probably Mikasa telling him to shut up and get back to helping them carry everything out. [Name] shrugged, "I don't have a problem with that."

"Me either."

"Yeah, that'll work."

[Name] clapped her hands together, "Alrighty then. We just need to set everything up and put barricades around the stage so none of them can get us." Everyone nodded and went off to get ready for their concert of death. 

*     *     *

"I can't believe this is happening," the brunette said wearily as he and his best friend pushed themselves against the metal door. They were both safe when it all started, but then they heard a scream on the first level and all the zombies came out and spotted them. Not, they were trying to shut the door that the zombies were pressing up against. 

"I should have never taken this fucking job," the other man said and started pressing against the door even harder, but it still wouldn't shut all the way. 

"Nobody knew this would happen, it doesn't have anything to do with the job," the brunette said, trying his best to call his raging best friend down. But it didn't work out that well, his best friend was still pissed off. 

"I saw- we saw our coworker get eaten by these things," the light brunette said with a face of hatred. The dark brunette sighed, "I know, Jean. But they would have wanted us to fight back." The other man -- Jean -- looked at his best friend and gave a tight forced smile.

"You're right, we'll avenge their deaths," Jean smiled and picked up the baseball bat that was laying next to him.

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