Chapter Eighteen: Locking Her Up

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[Name] and Eren exited the basement with Petra following slowly behind them as she took in the sight that was perfectly normal about two or three hours ago. What used to be the perfect clean mall was now stained with blood and many things were knocked over. Petra's eyes widened and she stopped in her tracks. [Name] glanced back and noticed Petra's shocked expression, but she just turned back around and kept walking to the middle of the mall where the rest of the group sat around talking. 

All eyes averted to [Name] and Eren as their footsteps became louder. Mikasa walked up to Eren and gave him a small hug before whispering something in his ear. [Name] couldn't hear what she had said, but by Eren's facial expression he was shocked, angry, and slightly scared. 

"We found a survivor but sh-" [Name] started but was cut off by Petra's small footsteps. Petra stood next to [Name] and gave a small nervous smile to the rest of the group that [Name] had been talking about.

"Hi!" Petra greeted with a wave and smile. Levi's eyes observed her and her happy aura and scoffed. Petra frowned and looked at Levi with confusion, "What?"

"How can you act happy at a time like this?" Levi said coldly, glaring at the small female. Petra stared off into space, thinking of an answer. 

"I still don't understand the situation.." She trailed off with a small shrug. Levi rolled his eyes as Armin looked at [Name].

"What were you saying?" Armin asked [Name]. [Name] looked over at him then back at Petra then to Eren. [Name] gave a forced smile at Eren then grabbed Petra's arm and shoved her to him. Eren gave her a confused look and mouthed 'what?'

"Why don't you explain to her the situation, somewhere private." [Name] hinted. Eren looked at her with confused eyes before giving a slow nod. [Name] copied his action and then pointed her head in a random direction. Eren nodded and offered a smile at a confused Petra. 

"Follow me," Eren said softly and started walking in the direction [Name] pointed in. Petra nodded and followed Eren. Eren turned around and gave a worried glance at [Name]. [Name] just sighed and turned back to the group who all looked confused. 

"What was that?" Sasha asked with raised eyebrows. Connie and Jean nodded in agreement. 

"She's bitten." [Name] stated placing a hand on her hip. Marco and Jean looked confused, and everyone else's eyes widened. 

"What? Why didn't you kill her?" Levi asked standing up and then towering over [Name]. [Name] glared at him while Marco and Jean looked at each other confused. 

"Um.. why would it matter if she's bitten? And by what?" Marco asked shyly. Armin looked at the two newcomers and explained how they are pretty sure that the bite causes the people to die and turn into zombies. Jean furrowed his eyebrows together once Armin finished explaining. 

"You guys said that you're pretty sure.. not completely sure. So how do you know?" Jean questioned. Everyone except Marco looked at each other before looking back at him. 

"That's why I spared her. She isn't bitten that deep, but she still is. I was thinking about locking her up and waiting it see if she turns-" 

"We're back." Eren said cutting [Name] off. [Name] turned around and saw Petra who looked down at the floor with a glum expression on her face. She's probably still upset about Auruo, and the information that was just given to her is probably overwhelming. Levi looked at Petra then to [Name] then to the group. Everyone nodded and Eren stood there confused. He didn't know what they were talking about while he was gone, but he had a good idea it was about Petra's bite.

"We should do it," Mikasa said eagerly. [Name] stared at her raised eyebrows then dropped them after noticing she was the only one who noticed Mikasa's change in behavior. Levi stood up and grabbed Petra's arm rather harshly causing Petra to let out a small whimper and try to break free of Levi's iron grip. Like anyone would expect, it was no use. Levi looked back at [Name] and held up a key chain that had tons of keys attached to it. Levi had found it while clearing out his part of the building. It had every key, including the master's key that went to everything. 

As Levi walked away towards the place he found the keys he couldn't help but think about how [Name] and Eren stood so close to each other. After all the driving and stops in between Levi had realized how long he'd been around [Name] and the others. Almost a week now and he still couldn't believe the situation. The virus -- or whatever you'd like to call it -- had obviously spread fast. There was no doubt that in a couple of days all of America will be infected. 

"What are you doing? And where are you taking me?" Petra asked trying to sound confident but her words came out like a whimper. Levi rolled his eyes and opened the door he had found the keys in. It was where the officers that worked here used as an office. There was even a small cell in the room, and that's where Levi was planning on putting Petra. 

Levi opened the door and shoved her in there then quickly shut it and locked it. Petra picked herself up and walked over to the door and tried opening it but it wouldn't budge. 

"Why am I in here?" Petra asked with glossy eyes. Levi turned away from her and crossed his arms, not saying anything. Knowing that she wouldn't get an answer out of the cold man she sighed and sat down on the cot in the cell. 

"Is it because of this?" Petra asked and showed him her bite. Levi didn't turn around and look, he just stayed calm and stared forward. Petra let out another sigh then lied down on her back.

"I bet it is.." She trailed off tiredly before falling asleep.


This sucks, I know xD Sorry if it seems I'm losing my touch x.x School has drained a lot out of me even though it's only been three days of it. And I'm slowly lacking inspiration.

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