Chapter Twenty-Two: Party

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A week has past since the kiss between Levi and [Name] and neither of them had said a word to each other. Not a single word. They wouldn't even make eye contact unless it was an accident. And when it did happen, they would both look away immediately. It was starting to bug [Name]. He just kisses her and basically says it was a mistake -- a little harsh on rejection aren't we?


The whole week of avoidance [Name] was trying to sort out her feeling. Did she like Levi? She knew she felt something during that kiss; and she knew that him ignoring her hurt. Is that what having a crush feels like? She didn't exactly know, she's only had one crush in her lifetime. It was in first grade and the boy ended up moving away. 

But [Name] wasn't the only one confused about her feelings, Levi was too. He was still annoyed they he made such a foolish move -- what had gotten into him? He didn't know, but it was irritating him. But he basically had the same question repeating over in his head, did he like [Name]?

"Come on [Name]! It's been a week!" Sasha whined and tugged on [Name]'s sleeve. [Name] had told Sasha about the kiss the day after it happened. At first she was super happy saying that she called it but when [Name] finished the story she was angry and upset. The only other person who knew was Connie, thanks to Sasha.

"So? It's obvious he didn't mean it. It was just the heat of the moment," [Name] sighed and tried to play it off, but deep down she was upset and offended over it. Sasha rolled her eyes not believe a single word that came out of [Name]'s mouth.

"Seriously though, you should talk to him." She said and tossed another crisp potato chip into her mouth then chewed on it lovingly -- if that makes any sense. 

"There's nothing to talk about," [Name] simply stated and turned away from the potato loving girl. 

"Are you guys talking about you-know-what?" Connie asked as he approached the two girls. 



Sasha and [Name] both glared at each other with hard eyes. Connie sighed and stepped in between the two. "I think you should talk to him." 

"See! That's what I've been saying this whole freaking time!" Sasha exclaimed throwing her hands up in the air which resulted in her dropping the bag full of chips. "Oh no, my babies!" She shouted and hopped off the stool to fetch her 'babies.' 

"Whatever. It's not happening. Besides, there's no time for romance at a time like this," [Name] said and pointed at the front entrance that had blood spatters along the glass doors. The zombies that mostly moved away from it, but there was still a few that lingered around. 

"Talking about romance are we?" A voice said from behind [Name]. [Name] furrowed her eyebrows and spun around in her stool to come face to face with an eyebrow wiggling Eren. [Name] frowned and kicked him in the thigh. 

"Ow! What was that for?" Eren cried bending over slightly and putting pressure to his thigh. 

"For being an idiot." [Name] shrugged and took a sip from her drink. Eren rolled his eyes and pushed her off the stool and claimed the seat as his.

"Paybacks a bitch, isn't it?" Eren taunted with a smirk as he stared down at an angered [Name]. [Name] closed her eyes and let out a heavy annoyed sigh. 

"You better start running, Jaeger." [Name] warned in a dangerously low voice. Eren's eyes widened and he quickly jumped off the stool. [Name]'s eyes shot open and followed Eren's running figure when she spotted Marco walking from the direction Eren was heading in. "Marco! Grab Eren!" She shouted. 

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