Chapter Four: Just An Animal

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[Name] sat there in the cold, dark car alone. She could barely see anything because the dim lights kept flickering every seconds, which only caused her imagination to get the best of her when she blinked. It was like watching a strobe light that wasn't very bright, and after you stared at it for a certain amount of time you'd see dots whenever you blinked. That's what it was like for her at the moment.

The [hair color] colored girl held onto her new knife tightly. She had grabbed it from the cabinet when they were searching it. It was pretty big for a knife; almost like a small sword. It was a little bit smaller than half of her arm, and was as sharp as a shark's tooth.

She had to admit -- she was scared.

She was alone; in a dark lit area. Sure, [Name] had weapons, but she didn't know how to use all that well yet. She wasn't used to the feel of them. To how to swing them, and stab with them yet. 

"It's okay," [Name] assured herself gripping onto the knife's base, "it's all going to be okay."

A loud sound came from her right, causing her to jump. Her head snapped over towards the noise, but didn't see anything.

"It's probably an animal," she said.

"Yeah, just an animal. Like a cat, or raccoon," she continued. 

She breathed in and let out a heavy exhale. She was nervous; what if Levi didn't come back? No, he could take care of himself. But there was still that possibility. 

There was another loud noise, this time closer and louder. 

[Name]'s head snapped to her right, and she struggled to keep calm. Deep down; she knew it wasn't an animal. She knew it was probably one of Them -- zombie, walker, whatever you want to call it. She faced forward and closed her eyes.

"Just an animal. Don't get worked up about it," [Name] said, trying to calm herself down. But it wasn't working -- no matter how many times she insisted it was an animal she still showed and felt fear. Pale, bruised, bloodied hands smacked down on the clear window. [Name] let out a squeal and looked at the blood streaked window. The zombie's hands has slid down the window slowly, and made a squeaky noise doing so. 

"I knew it wasn't a fucking animal," [Name] growled and mental slapped herself for her amateur stupidity. The zombie had pressed it's face up against the window, trying to get through the glass. One of it's rolled backed eyes hung out of the socket and just dangled down from it's face. [Name] wanted to throw up from the sight.

She really need to stop feeling that way.

The dead man growled and drooled as it smacked it's hands on the window. [Name] narrowed her eyes at the thing, and rolled the window down by using the handle on the door. The van was an older version -- the windows weren't automatic. [Name] didn't roll it down all the way, just enough for her to stick out her [skin color] colored hand out of it. 

She positioned herself on her knees and stuck out her dominate hand with the large knife. The zombie growled and looked up at her hand, smelling the liveliness of it. The blood pumping through her body. It made it even more hungry.

The zombie pried it's hands off of the window and reached up to [Name]'s arm that hung out the window. It's cold hands wrapped around her warm one and just as it was about to yank it down so it could sink it's rotted teeth in it, [Name] brought the knife down into the hairless scalp. 

The zombie's limp arms let go of her arm and it fell down to the cement ground without a sound coming out of it's mouth. Relief flashed over [Name]'s body as she pulled her arm back in. It had a small amount of blood on it, but not that much to where she felt grossed out. She let out a sigh then rolled up the window. 

That was her first kill.

It wasn't alive anymore, so it shouldn't bug her. But it did. The fact that merely hours ago, that body was alive, healthy, and walking around doing it's job hours ago bugged her. The man probably had a family. "Stop it [Name]," she thought to herself, "it was either you or it."

The driver's door opened causing [Name] to snap out of her sad thought. Levi sat in the black leather seat and slammed the door shut. He looked over at [Name] and noticed the blood on her arm, knife, and on the outside of her window. 

"What happened?" He asked but [Name] knew he wasn't actually interested in hearing it.

"It was nothing. I took care of it," [Name] explained and looked forward out of the windshield. Levi gave a small nod and started the van. 

And they were off.

Pretty short, I know. But I have writers block.


But anyways, I'm back. I'll try to update every other, or three, days from now on. 
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